He won't have you casting aspersions on his asparagus!

Or brassica, as the case may be. No aspersions!

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More polite? No.More fun? No.More sane? No.Then what?Less pathetic.

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Just because somebody should say it: "Christ, what an asshole". And, no, that wasn't a question.

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He's his own grandmaw.....

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Louie the video bomber:


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All in all, I'd rather have him in Congress than serving as a judge. God knows how many innocent people he sent to jail.

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and we pay these people 174000$ a year plus expenses

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And yet Hastert had no trouble stashing away $17 million. He must have had a 100-year career.

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Obligatory literary reference...

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" I find it unlikely he randomly pulled out an image of the first socialist Grand Nagus"

Good point! Well trolled, Dok. ;->

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And their killing argument is: the US did it to the Sioux and the Cherokee, why can't we do it to the Arabs? Is it because we're JEWS?! Why are Jews the only white people not allowed to shoo off browns and steal their land? ANTISEMITISM!

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How did Texas Rethugs manage to gerrymander an entire district out of mental defectives?

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Israel has Republicans too?

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It's recursive: to be X stupid, and still think that he's smart, he has to be 2X stupid. Which he is. But to be 2X stupid and still think he's smart, he has to be 4X stupid. Etc., ad infinitum.

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There's felony judge, and then there's felony judge.

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I don't think East Texas was much of a stretch.

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