k. time to turn off the radio, shut down the computer, open the cabernet and line up all three 'pirates of the caribbean' (yes - even POTC III) for tonight's necessary escape

i am so not making this up.

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His face would be like fucking a zippered leather bag.

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I'll say it again: Democracy simply doesn't work.

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When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, And the women come out to cut up what remains, Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains An' go to your Gawd without knowing whether anyone in your unit fantasized about you while masturbating.

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What's even worse than this I-almost-had-hope-this-might-get-done defeat is that I'm actually sort of relieved. At least we can stop pretending this might happen now. Here's hoping Barry finally just signs an EO or something.

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Joementum becomes Nomentum. Dream Act becomes a Nightmare.

But Baby Jeebus birfday in a few weeks! That's <b>CHRIST</b>mas to real 'Muricans.

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Well said!

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Oh fer cryin out loud. Half these people are closeted gays anyway. Man-up or whatever. Gah!

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