They just can't not be assholes.

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The "physician to the president" is a holdover from the mango maggot.

He couldn't get into any medical school anywhere in the world.

The military has doctors from Harvard and Yale and they chose this putz.

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Putin's bitch had a 16% approval rating and "won" in a walkover.

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Because a rational god would just randomly kill people. Fuck that.

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Don't forget:"The individual citizen has no right to vote for electors for the President of the United States..." SCOTUS in Bush vs. Gore 2001*

* from "Overruling Democracy" by Jamie B. Raskin 2003

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That town was just splinters. Terrible.

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This Kentuckian worked her ass off canvassing in 95 degree weather to help get Gov. Beshear elected. Worked our asses off again in 2020 to take on McConnell yet progressives thought it would be fun to trash Amy McGrath for not being purity pony enough. We (KY Dems) got crushed in 2020 to the absolute heartbreak of many who worked so hard in pandemic conditions. A few I know almost fell off the cliff in dismay. You have no idea how powerful the political house that Mitch built is in KY. I am not in the tornado affected area and I have the only Dem congressman from KY as my representative. He's the current chair of the Budget Committee. I do not want you dead. I want you and everyone to be happy, healthy and high spirited. I share the ill feelings towards McConnell and Paul and our horrible super R majority in the legislature more than you can possibly imagine. So, keep your snot nosed money, don't want your apples and pears and have the happiest of holidays!

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Fair enough, but when you throw Moscow Mitch on top, it squats a body's inner Jesus. Just sayin'...something something...racecar in red...

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I think Kentucky’s kind of borderline as the Bible Belt is traditionally defined. Even Tennessee was sort of the northern edge, despite the headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention being there. Might be different now, but when I was growing up people were usually referring to northern Mississippi/Alabama/Georgia when they said “Bible Belt.” Kentucky was more a part of Appalachia, and Tennessee was a bit of both.

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Despite how Republicans like to take every opportunity to politicize natural disasters, and how we have every reason to resent them for it, this is no different than Covid. There will be obvious disparity based on political affiliation when it comes to anything that has to do with progress, actual successful governance, damage control, health, safety, and social support, because Republicans hold abhorrent views that are not conducive to a thriving modern society. But, when they suffer on a wide scale, from the same things we might also fall victim to, even if it’s compounded by their participation, we all suffer. We all take some part of that hit. They might like to sing their anthem about states rights, rugged individualism, and smaller federal government, but we are still the same country. We all still pull resources from the same pot, for a lot of things. And, unfortunately, that means we are beholden to even our worst people in these matters.

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The Conservative News Network just ran an on-=the-spot interview with a woman whose beauty parlour had been wrecked. Weird little things - the chairs were still bolted to the floor, here and there little areas had been untouched, like a shelf of shampoo and combs and brushes. Storms are capricious.But she made a point of thanking God that her family had survived intact.I guess the 70 people in town who'd been killed had pissed off the Big Guy in some way. THEIR families don't have anything to be thankful for.Some people, even a tornado can't turn them into decent human beings.

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I expect it was the gheys, but we don't meet until tea dance this afternoon, so, I won't have more dish until then.

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OHJB is way ahead of him on this: "I'm going to send you a list of shit you could have asked for but didn't."

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Dawson Springs, KY, which today is one-third smaller than it was on Friday, is the home of former Gov. Steve Beshear, father of Gov. Andy. Steve is the only southern governor who accepted Obamacare's medicaid expansion and health exchanges, which we call kynect. That has saved thousands of lives here, and improved hundreds of thousands, plus going further to cut poverty than everything else ever tried, put together.

Yes, Western Kentucky is annoyingly repug. But everybody hates AynRandy, because AynRandy. And it is remotely possible that aid to WKY from a Democratic Governor and a Democratic President just might put a tiny doubt in one or two minds about voting repug.

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Tornadoes do very weird things. One hit my childhood church in 1991 (I think, give or take a year), and I remember folks talking about the odd patterns of damage, like the shingles got peeled off one section of roof but that half of the building was otherwise untouched, and 2 or 3 of the walls of the gym were still standing but moved outwards about a foot from where they’d been. They thought probably the tornado had “hopped,”—partly come off the ground, high enough to just skim the one section of roof, then touched all the way down in the middle of the gym and moved on from there. There were lots of jokes about God sending a message to the guys who used to get hyper competitive about church basketball. 😜

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