Yes, that's the one. According to the end of the movie, he's now investing in water. Not a good sign.

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And don't get me started on pencils.

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:D I was raised to take the Bible literally, so I'm having fun imagining them praying down blessings as they pour Morton's in their spring boxes.

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Still better than Fireball.

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40. That's about when the water and sewer lines fail.

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150 ppb iirc. And, that will actually be a good thing for many homes in Flint. The problem is, each home has to be tested to know if the filter will work.

The other problem is, some of the homes are orders of magnitude over the working limit of the filter.

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From a toxicity standpoint, the galvanized was probably "mostly harmless", because no solder, but it certainly does deteriorate and gunk up over 80 years.

If you don't trust the water department, that's your call, but one simple thing you might look at is the pH of the delivered water (you could even do this yourself). If it's well over 8, it implies that the agency is at least employing corrosion control, which should keep the Pb/Cu levels down.

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Keep your pH up.

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Stop waisting time commenting on the forums, Lohan!

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I will take your advice -- likely by never visiting Park Hills -- but the possible lead content in the water has nothing to do with its hardness, which is due to dissolved calcium, magnesium, and (sometimes) manganese.

Really hard water is more or less the same thing as "mineral water", for which some people pay extra.

Lead is something else again.

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That's the one that actually caught on fire, correct?

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The moneyed class is well aware of that. After all they need that clean water to water their golf courses and refill their infinity pools, as this blast from Wonkette past shows us:http://wonkette.com/588413/...

I'll sure those darling people featured will tell, you that brown lawns Trumps (see what I did there?) brown lungs anytime.

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America: where the safest place to drink is actually the public toliet!

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I am truly grateful that I know where the water we drink comes from, and is tested every year with the results being mailed to us. I'm also grateful that we don't have the kind of pipes that could leech lead into the water under the right (wrong) circumstances.

I - and a good many other people - said this long ago: water is going to be the new oil in the upcoming decades. People (maybe) are only now beginning to realize its value and the power you can have if you control it.

And no, repubs, towing chunks of Arctic or Antarctic ice back to the US won't cut it. Nice try, tho.

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Lead is a mineral....

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Um, wine and cider both use water as ingredients.

Sorry/not sorry to burst your bubble.

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