Apparently Baby Bro thinks he'll be rich someday.

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Trying to recall what I read about Biden elsewhere earlier today (I can't take very good notes while surfing the news at work).... His support from the black community is based on pragmatism. The black community (as it's called) has seen huge promises that failed to get delivered; significant advances whittled away to almost nothing; and resistance to even the smallest step forward. They see that Biden isn't promising them pie in the sky; he's pledging to get them some cookies, and (with the congresspeople he brings in on his coattails) will fight like heck to keep the GOP from taking away the few cookies they already have.

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He can really reach across the isle... to where the open racist/sexists sit. yaaayyy

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Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!!

Biden/Abrams. I could totally dig that ticket. I'm kind of lukewarm about Biden, but if he picked Stacy Abrams as running mate, that would up my enthusiasm by 1000%.

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Agree completely. California will vote democratic no matter who wins the primary, so they gain nothing by picking a running mate from CA. Stacy Abrams, on the other hand, might seriously help Biden (or Bernie or whoever) in some of the swing states, and maybe deliver Georgia, and maybe even Texas if I want to get crazy optimistic.

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there is no dem that won't be up against this situation.

that's a false equivalency.

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i really really really wanted kamala. i feel your pain.

but i'm oddly excited about the last few days.

i was terrified before saturday.

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you are like my always favorite. damn girl.

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and it's the first time i've been hopeful since like december.

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This is darned good advice and works for both the primary and general elections.

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I didn't think anything could make me apathetic about 2020. White guy on white guy just did. Wake me up on election day, and I'll vote blue. Until then, unless it's Warren, I don't see a difference between white men.Whatever.

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White men love the status quo. Only women can drag in change.

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Never. Fascist.

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Of course every Dem will be in the same situation, I'm not saying otherwise. My point is that I'm not sure Joe knows this. He's campaigning on the idea that he's just gonna get together with his old buddies in the Senate and they're all gonna find magical bipartisanship together. I want to know HOW. What's the trade off?

And I do think that Joe is definitely more likely to adopt that "Looking forward not backward, let bygones be bygones," attitude than Sanders or Warren.

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It will be up to the (D) Congress to move us forward. If it's left up to Joe, it will just be the old status quo. He has no progressive vision, so the burden will fall on our (D) Reps and Senators. They will convince him of the proper way to create real and lasting change.

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