No, he won't because critical thinkers such as you and I will keep asking for clarification and proof, thus immortalizing the man and his mission. <3

I love James Randi with all of my black, skeptical little heart.

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Actually, I think Hatch was involved prior to the supplement industry locating in UT.

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*bows* your majesty

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If he believed it cured everything why isn't he blue by now?

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*graciously inclines my head, being careful not to dislodge my lovely tiara*

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I'm a former medical person.

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Jim Bakker is trying to kill those who listen to him like a cult leader would.

I don't find that especially unusual or surprising.

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too kind

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Your suffering will be LEGENDARY - even in Hell

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I thought venereal diseases were a scourge sent by Dog against the sinful.

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Bakker's snake oil isn't technically coloidal silver, it's nanosilver. It has been approved by the FDA as a wound dressing--as in, EXTERNAL USE ONLY--which is I'm sure why Bakker feels comfortable making a lot of unproven claims about how it works internally. (And it will definitely still turn you blue if you take too much of it.) Sure would be a shame if someone informed the FDA he's making bogus claims about a product he's selling! The FDA is pretty toothless when it comes to regulating supplements, with the exception of making "disease claims"--"cures coronavirus and HIV" instead of "structure claims" such as "improves cellular health and strengthens the immune system"--and that's the one rule Bakker is explicitly breaking in his plugs for his Smurf Juice.

Alex Jones is also selling nanosilver during the Coronavirus Panic of 2020, so it's indicative of how irrelevant he's become that everyone is clowning on Bakker and almost no one is talking about Jones. Deplatforming works.

Also, expensive skin care is a scam. How your skin ages is almost entirely out of your control (genetics), and all you can really do is keep it moisturized and hydrated and out of the sun. And don't smoke.

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Depends on how predatory the woo is.

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Silver does have some proven antibiotic properties (you can buy Band-aids that have a silver dressing infused in them) and it was an old trick before refrigeration to keep milk longer by putting a silver dollar in the milk jug. It also is effective on certain kinds of burns.

That having been said, this guy is, um . . . oh, what's the technical term? Oh yeah -- nuts.

It's sort of like what H.L. Mencken said: "An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it makes a better soup." Rose soup, anyone?

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That's why he's promoting it. As long as they think they're cured they won't seek actual medicine.

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This cure-all is exactly as effective as thoughts and prayers, so I have no problems with it.

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