Ok. I'm closer to Coronado, where I work. There are some fun places here to. The Coronado Brewing Company has some great fizzy adult flavored beverages!

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Are you going to Comicon? I like to go down and people watch. I will likely be going down next Saturday with a friend or two. Maybe we could meet up there somewhere? They have great drink specials in the Gaslamp.

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I'll be away next weekend , and this is the third year I didn't get tickets from their lottery. Snif.We'll make it soon, though! I know it will be fun.

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We're all just temporarily embarrassed billionaires

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He is also the Trump team turd polisher....Everytime trump unleaSHES his new fresh tweeted plan for evil in America...I sit back and wonder hmmm just how much turd polish they invest in to make that shit shine...I think in the end they have to spend more on the elbow grease(the polisher) after all good turd polishers dont grow on trees except in the south. The rest are expensive mafia lawyers. Professional Turd enhancers are expensive and that forces them to use generic turd polish because the elbow grease is more fukn expensive. ....

But a turd, is a turd, you can paint it, put it in a new suit with a red tie, give it a good shinning,and sprinkle it all over with powdered sugar and dip it in honey, and lots of media praise by fox news with Hannity, ...BUT you know what? SPOILER ALERT: It will still look like, and taste, like SHIT... if your a Trump turd taster(yezz ekkk) then this is a good dining experience...

Me, I know a turd when I see one. I dont ponder about it nor do I need to nibble on it prod it roll it around or even stick my nose down for a smell.. to realize yikes what a nasty looking, tasting piece of shit. But it does have a nifty looking suit..

Me I leave the actual eating of republican branded turds to the endless array of stupids in the Trump supporting arena or the Army of Turd Polishers goose stepping fer jesus...It Makes me laugh out loud to watch stupid people eat shit and then brag how fuking good and yummy it is and then for fuksake ask for seconds eeeegawd yukss....Goddamn country has gone to the shit eaters.

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wait, wouldn't a god be able to create lightning bolts endlessly? even if they had to kill off every american for letting this happen, gods are supposed to have that kind of power, no?

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I understand. I don't think religious people are bad or stupid or anything like that. My entire family is deeply religious. I just still get creeped out when I'm visiting and they start praying over dinner or whatever. I always feel like Indiana Jones watching the heart-removal ceremony from a safe distance.

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i'm such an idiot on taxes, I think I owe money every year and the IRS sends me a letter telling me I'm an idiot and they actually owe me money. At least this time they told me what I did wrong, but seriously, I've tried throwing about 10000 dollars at the IRS that they didn't want.

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yeah, the praying makes me feel weird. But my family doesn't really do that and I married into one of the few openly atheist families in Italy, so luckily I don't have to deal with praying often. I can't imagine having to deal with it with close family. The closest I get is my mother telling me "well, you have to believe in some sort of higher power." to which I respond, "no, actually I don't have to" and that's the end. My father only refers to god when he thinks he can freak someone out by using the pronoun she.

I did attend a catholic funeral a few years ago and didn't know what to do during the prayer sections. I also get weirded out by the pledge of allegiance and sort of mouth along without emitting sound because I find it creepy.

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A federal sales tax on groceries would fill that $40 revenue hole.

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This tax plan works for everyone if you know how to game the system. For example, if you're making $25k a year, ask your boss for a $3,375,000 raise.

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I think they have to rub their feet on a cloud or something to build up a charge...it's technical...mere mortals like us can't understand. That's why evil exists too, also.

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Wouldn't weed popcorn be great?

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I think that's the point of the long game they've been engaging in that we will be finding out about for a long, long time. Breitbart's conspiracy theories are going to look like the work of third-graders compared to the stuff we'll find.

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So we are changing our name to United States of Weimar Republic?

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