I see where we are about to be graced with a Murica spring from the Bundyfuck bunch. So how's about we let them practice some of theys friendly with the knee grow folks stand and send them here first since they are so itching to shoot something.Boko Haram ,Benghazi, Bundy and Beef it all starts with B so it got to be good

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They say this cat Bamz is a blaaaaah. . .


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Why is this shitstain waving his hands in the air? Does he even <i>care</i>?

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they'll dig up some group of white girls in minor duress and point out how Bamz won't rescue them because he hates whitey

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We should send our Christian warriors: Pat Robertson, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, etc.

Since the aforementioned tell us all how to live they can surely use their Godly powers to rescue the girls.

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I saw his wife Patience on the news and she wears a pretty stylish skypiece as well.

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Has Fox started scream yet that this is only intended to distract from Bengahzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

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