Thank you for saying 'sociopath' and not 'crazy' or something. Those of us who are by definition crazy and wouldn't harm another human being get tossed under the damn bus way too often.

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...and god help you, as a kid, if you try to shut that shit down. then, you're a wet blanket, a buzzkill, sensitive. then, you're next. and it doesn't matter why: autism, trauma, plain old moral or religious objection. it doesn't matter how you say it, there's no nice-enough way to tell a person like this you need to get out of the car now.

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Lewis and Martin. Is this irony? Coz there's nothing remotely funny about any of this. My God, America, what is WRONG with you!? Every fucking day it seems there's something new and even more deplorable than the last. Surely this has to stop. I despair.

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Jesus. I have no words at all, except to say thank you, Wonderbitch, for continuing to draw attention to this crap.

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Or, he hit him intentionally but was simply too stupid to foresee that running someone down would damage his "tough" pickup truck.

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Same here with some of my friends. It was dark humor based solely on the perceived ease of acquiring the target. To have actually injured someone would have been so heinous as to induce vomiting. I say that with authority because that's the reaction we had when we unsuccessfully tried to avoid a squirrel.

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What you did there has been seen.

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"Look out, he's coming right at me, I have to stand my ground!"

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This hits home with me. The morning after the election (I deliberately went to sleep before it was called for Turmp) I just wanted to go to wherever people unlike myself were gathered and sit with them. I don't completely know what I wanted, but perhaps it was to provide comfort and receive comfort simply by being near. I knew nothing I could say would be sufficient. I couldn't do that with white people, because right then I deeply distrusted any and all of them, especially white men, one of which I was ashamed to be. HOW THE FUCK could they have done this to all of us?

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Apparently, ours.

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It's true of course, but what are we supposed to do about it? Mr. Clever Clogs.

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How soon after the "incident" did he make that remark, I wonder. Because it's so atypical an attitude for a guy who's just killed someone. Even if he was just so worried about losing his license. Isn't that so? Why didn't the sheriff say something actual about the guy's situation? Is he just walking around now with no liability at all till they find something?He must have claimed the victim jumped out in front of him, or he wouldn't be going free, would he? Or maybe I'm wrong-- maybe like that man Gregory Hill-- listening to loud music in his garage who caused his own death by annoying a woman who was "passing by." Yes, I forgot about that special statute.

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Poor little fellah feels 'left behind' by the elites he's never heard of.

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seriously? That's a bit depressing. I suppose they just told you you were uptight?

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When I was growing up, guys weren't like that, everybody was just hippies. I guess that's why hippies had to be scorned and all. They weren't any fun and didn't hurt people enough. I can't help wondering where that came from, if running- people- down games are so common.

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Didn't you hear? He's just the best person.

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