Florida...but at least we had the Gulf and the Atlantic beaches.

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Wait ... California law about defense lawyers paying jurors needed "altering"?

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Already started. It's more of a civil war. I beat my penis until it gives up. But later it comes back for another beating. It is a war without end.

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This can only mean Mitt Romney wants to make him Attorney General. Just like Dubya was neurotically compelled to out-do his father, Romney is compelled to out-Dubya, Dubya.

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Okay, I read it. And I think I'm a better person for having done so. But I can't say I enjoyed it.

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13. Avoid going to prison.

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The dope had it coming.

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I wasn't trying to be funny. In the manner of reversed perspective, my comment was meant to elicit the unwelcome reversed role the would-be rapist would find himself in.

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What the fuck is wrong with people?

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Mama's house, Mama's rules.

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well good. i needed a reason to closet myselt with king lear, crime and punishment and the major writings of camus.

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Orange County sounds really messed up. Maybe Rebecca should just <a href="http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Commie-Girl-O-Rebecca-Schoenkopf\/dp\/1844672581\/ref=sr_1_1\?ie=UTF8&amp\;qid=1335593032&amp\;sr=8-1" target="_blank">write a book about OC politics</a>. I'd buy it if she did.

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My, oh my. It really is a small world. And the depths the defense went to is incredible.

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I think it's the living in California that does it.

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I once had the opportunity to dope slap someone in class that defended a rapist saying that "she had it coming".

It was a class called Social Problems and the Young Neanderthal sat in the row in front and below me. He uttered his bullshit and reason took a smoke break as I slapped him upside the head. "Are you that fucking stupid?!

I in almost every situation decry violence. However, in this case IT FELT FUCKING GOOD!

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