It’s much better to think of its prevalence in a novel population as similar to that of a common cold. And for 85% or so of us, that’s how it’ll be. It’s not as good at burrowing into your lungs as it is at hitching a ride in your mucus membranes.

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I think that was #1, actually.

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Most killers have a hard time hiding the bodies, because, well, it's hard to do without help. These psychos have an entire fucking cult of mentaly deficient weirdos who are willing to be accessories after (?) the fact. I don't envy the Idaho detectives who have to cope with the erased clues and scrubbed crime scenes.

I'm wondering if the state has a legal basis for keeping her locked up until she produces the kids. Once she figures out that hubby is happy to walk away and let her rot in jail, maybe she'll have a few things to say.

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we had mini floods when i was in TVille. Have they gotten worse.Also - do you know anyone who wants toi some baby quail? My SIL has managed to amass around 50 and D is trying to farm a few out

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Down on Highway 61.

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These nutballs are using the kids as a smokescreen to avoid the investigations into all the dead people cropping up around them. This case is just getting started.

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"Fuck you, libs!" and/or "Fuck you, eggheads!" also, too.

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I was there last April. It tore me up to see the fires and now flooding. Queensland felt like the home I never knew but always had.

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The difference is that Shelly Miscavige is an adult. She COULD have just walked away and be living as a hermit in the Appalachian wilderness or something (stop laughing, it could happen!). Investigators have got suspicions, but they don't have a legal right to know where she is. Without further evidence there's not much they can do.

The missing kids are, well, kids. The State has a legal duty of care over them until they turn 18 (indefinitely, if they're not capable of dealing with their own affairs). Investigators have not only the right, but the responsibility to know where they are and who's caring for them.

The surviving parent is the obvious place to start. She has the legal responsibility to care for the kids or arrange for their care. It's pretty obvious she hasn't arranged for them to be cared for by someone wholesome and decent. Which puts her right in a cleft stick.

If she doesn't know where they are, that's a confession to neglect and abandonment. Even if they ran away, or were abducted without her knowledge, she should have reported their disappearance to authorities.

If she does know where they are, she must have really strong reasons for not wanting them to be found. Doomsday cults do not have a strong track record of treating children well. They're either dead, or prisoners of some whackjob guru.

She's not getting out of jail and that's a good thing.

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The kids are definitely dead.

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That is exactly the way I read that idiot's statement.

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Aw! My daughter and her partner got together over her studying. She was considering a career which involved an entrance exam, and wanted some maths tutoring. She HATES maths (and is an intense little soul), so I expected it to be a bit of an ordeal for the friend she asked for help. Instead, he rewarded her with biscuits (cookies for American readers). And they ended up together.

He's been the breadwinner and rock for the last 4 years while she completed a VERY challenging degree (in a completely different field that didn't use maths at all). They're coming up to 10 years together and are 100% adorbs.

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So, short list for Trumps Director of the Ministry of Fear?

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Americans are scary.

Really scary.

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And Angies List was no help last time I checked

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