Doug Collins is truly the Louie Gohmert of Devin Nuneses,

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I thought I was the only one. . .


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Both sides do concentration camps and firing squads!

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"Boris Johnson wins UK election."


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Before said kangaroo smacks Gaetz on his ass.

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....... can't you just time-sync them all to pool.ntp.org like a common Windows PC?

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What did you expect them to do? Govern?

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What? All their well reasoned, logical, and succint arguments didn't sway anyone from voting for the articles of impeachment? I am shocked. Those partisan Dems can't be mollified.

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He stormed out in a minute and a huff 'cause it was a long day.

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I don't get this anymore...still. I don't understand why there is so much turbidity in this discussion. potus called the President of Ukraine and said "find dirt on Joe Biden. It doesn't matter how you find it, what it is, or whether it is real or not, but find it. Or you won't get your missiles"

"The President of the United States" tried to extort another country's gov't. He tried to strong arm another country...another country...into inventing dirt. Biden had already been investigated. There was never any impropriety uncovered. Ukraine's only option would be to invent. Which they were willing to do. Which they would have done...had this not all been uncovered. So...trump (not the the US gov't, trump and his cartoon henchmen) and Ukraine would have colluded to, at a minimum, discredit the front-runner in the democratic primary.

Not to put too fine a point on it...thats fucking crazy. The American electoral and gov't systems aren't just quaint traditions. As flawed as they are, they are at least a thin film of barrier between us and anarchy. trump and his cartoon henchmen laugh and don't give a fuck. trump has 40% approval, gop owns the senate. Meh.

When the senate holds its kangaroo court, maintstream media will dutifully cover it as if it has some shred of credibility. It doesn't. We here can say it is lies lies lies, but it still gets covered. We can say that these clowns are the representatives of the people and hence networks are obligated to cover them. I don't see that. News is designed to present facts. The fourth estate shouldn't be a parrot. If trump speaks bullshit, then that should be called out, right then and there. And it hasn't been called out, at least not nearly loud enough.

sorry. too long I know.

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Collins still won't know what a kangaroo court is after the Senate holds theirs.

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Me too. Lately I console myself with the knowledge that NASA predicts the possibility of an extinction level meteor strike to the planet as soon as my birthday this year, Dec. 28. Or maybe sometime in May 2022. You can attend an impeachment rally near you on Tuesday Dec 17. I also find it helpful to immerse myself in understanding the theoretical physics equations behind the multiverse theory. That and playing Candy Crush on my phone are great coping strategies.. Be well. Life is but a dream.

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“Like we used to say in the military, make a path,” said Donald Trump at the big Chahamuckener Celebration.

Did he also praise Melania for her great Christmas decorations? Need you ask?

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As my generation may recall, Captain Kangaroo was the presiding judge, Mr. Green Jeans was the bailiff, and Messers Bunny Rabbit and Moose were the jurors.

Under these conditions, I contend that Crabby Appleton could not have received a fair trial and his convictions should be voided.

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Collins doesn't know what a kangaroo is.

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Gohmert is wrong. That was NOT "Stalinesque." Stalinesque is if they take you out back & shoot you.

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