Your mostly lazy editor had vowed to challenge herself when typing nonsense posts about Mitt Romney, to not go for the perpetually obvious Mittens-qua-robot theme as a matter of trying to avoid worn-out tropes, but...
I like your topological argument. Further support for this would be that the PR software may forbid recognition of complex non-closed surfaces (e.g., open beverage containers), which would explain why the Mittbot cannot tell its ass from a hole in the ground.
That is an excellent question, which has never occurred to me because I am just squeezing my eyes shut and pretending there is no possibility Rmoney could win this sucker.
But, it is a fact that Mormons consider the Book of Mormon to outrank both the Old and New Testaments.
He just lost Homer Simpson&#039;s vote. <a href="http:\/\/\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/MAD-Magazine-Romney-Vs-Mr-Burns1.jpg" target="_blank">Again.</a>
I like your topological argument. Further support for this would be that the PR software may forbid recognition of complex non-closed surfaces (e.g., open beverage containers), which would explain why the Mittbot cannot tell its ass from a hole in the ground.
Powdered sugar LIBEL!!!
That is an excellent question, which has never occurred to me because I am just squeezing my eyes shut and pretending there is no possibility Rmoney could win this sucker.
But, it is a fact that Mormons consider the Book of Mormon to outrank both the Old and New Testaments.
Beignets or GTFO, peasant.
<i>he&#039;ll have it down pat.</i>
Nixon libel!!!!!
He just lost Homer Simpson&#039;s vote. <a href="http:\/\/\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/MAD-Magazine-Romney-Vs-Mr-Burns1.jpg" target="_blank">Again.</a>
Have you tried turning him off and on?
<i>GEEZE</i> Barb, you <i>would</i> have to pick <i>my</i> favoritist round confection with the center evacuated.
CRULLER LIBELZ!!1! (with maple goodness drizzled all over)
And, sumpin, sumpin, <i>take off, eh</i>, sumpin, <i>hozer</i>, sumptin, <i>also</i>.
You mean they weren&#039;t the right <i>height</i> ... ?
A man that doesn&#039;t eat donuts is too elitist to be in politics.
Frenchy Mitt only eats croissants. Barack likes a frosted doughnut and a Marlboro.
He&#039;s already ahead 87% in Pigfart, Alabama. Probably will have to skip this year&#039;s Chitterling and Pig Trotters Fest.
Mitt&#039;s never seen a whole donut ... his butler usually carves them up before serving them.
At their core, computers are a bunch of ones and zeros. The donuts resembled a zero causing some internal confusion.
you know, I get that. Apparently the same thoughts ran through Arnold when he looked at Maria.
All chortles are fake. All fakes chortle. Mitt Romney wears jeans and an oxford shirt. Ergo MItt needs some mental health care, wonkette style.