Or just "Honkeyville".

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Yes. Because some mindless sheep are involved.

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You can also consider the effects of plug flow vs turbulent flow.

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Keep on truckin' that chicken, good buddy!

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Wait ... the Westboro Batshit Church embraces Canadian anchor babies?

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Truck driver's wife LIBEL!!!

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Because that chicken really needs medical attention

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Do you know shows up at an event in very small numbers, makes lots of noise, embraces Canadian anchor babies, and couldn't pour piss out of a boot if you put the instructions on the heel?

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That's not even enough trucks to carry all of the fucks we don't give...

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I think that photo makes sense. Those organizing the protest made a wish. It just didn't come true.

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Sarah Palin™?

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<i>“dozens, not thousands,” of tractor-trailer rigs have arrived for the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution”</i>

'Cause we got a great big <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=EnJEeHND_lQ" target="_blank">convoy</a> Rockin' through the night. Yeah, we got a great big convoy, Ain't she a beautiful sight?

(You just KNOW this was playing in their heads when they were dreaming up their little fantasy joy ride.)

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In southwestern VA, there are 30 trucks per mile on I-81 and they don't seem to have slowed down anything.

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