But with Cheney and Dumbya I hope they never get out. This means they'll never have to become clients of Marcus Bachmann. Damn!

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I think getting old is a personal choice. After all, I certainly wasn't born old, but now I keep having these urges to do old-person things, like go to bed at 10:30 PM and eat corn flakes. I plainly just decided to be old, probably because of the way Hollywood glorifies it.

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And the only arms you have a right to are those you were born with.

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Neither me or my husband have ever been raped in or out of prison or even been in a prison, yet are widely regarded as gay men. Maybe we just need to be raped by some womenz to choose straightness.

Can he legally prescribe some rape-y womenz for us?

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If I'm shipwrecked on an island and all I can find to eat are bugs, that means it's a "personal choice" to live on insects?

Here's my question for Doc Carson (speaking of choices). "When did you decide to become a complete idiot?"

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Zippy: I'm bettting it's the bottom half.

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Apparently, after he retired he decided it would be a good idea to become a brain donor.

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"Why can't I upfist you twice?"

That's what Doc Carson said!

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After 24 hours Yahoo! comments let's you vote again.

And again.

And again...

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Never. Haven't you heard? He - like all the GOPers - did it all himself by his own little bootstraps. No help from anyone.

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lol, that's a pretty safe bet

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It's because an old person touched you when you were young.

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How about this deal, GOP: we get to redefine marriage, since you've redefined "smart."

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long ago, apparently

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those cost extra

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hey Doc, not all inmates are ghey. Case in point

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