the fattie is overkill . . . so to speak.

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Probably dead or in jail - where they were headed, too. So typical of colonial culture.

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Holy cow, Rumsfeld said that?

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Well, not about the U.S............

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"Gary .... I take it there was something about a spine that's causing all the problems in Baltimore? I was there and didn't see any issue with a spine."

-- BillO

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in the same brown paper bag as his Oxy.

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Bad movie, good scene of Keith David being awesome and describing exactly the comeback to Dr. Shit for brains: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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This occurrence made the resident Bagger in my house, who worships Glenn Beck and is unable to refer to anyone who isn't white by a non-racist term, call bullshit on the police and support the victim.

I had to check hell for icicles.

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Have a nice civil discussion. Unless of course we are trying to talk to Iranians and then we should bomb the living bejesus out of them, their kids, their spouses, their schools, their hospitals, every living thing within a hundred miles at least. But yeah, have a nice civil discussion "Dr." Carson, if indeed you are a doctor...

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When does the purge of fake doctors out of the Medical profession begin, "Doctor" Ben Carson?http://media1.giphy.com/med...

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So white, he can't dance for shit...http://media1.giphy.com/med...

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"when you’re having those kinds of discussions, you’re able to see that you’re not as far apart from each other as you actually think you are."

Cops break a man in half, protesters object. Yep, not far apart at all.

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I'd really love to know if Dr. Carson, and all the other black Republicans out there, own magical mirrors. Maybe their reflections are white on these magical mirrors. I can't find any logical explanation for this outrageous level of self hatred.

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He was one of the original Keystone Cops.

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Call me crazy, but: if we can get some real accountability from the police department, we won't have to worry about riots and violence.

Shouldn't we focus on solutions? I'm talking about a Republican, so I guess I know the answer... :(

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"You certainly can’t characterize all policemen by what happens in an incident like this."Now, muslims, on the other hand...

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