In the rolling mountains of Middle Tennessee, rumors still circulate about "the Gore family" being involved in Satanic rituals. I heard these firsthand from locals. When I asked how Al Jr. would have time for such things, being a senator and then VP and then making movies and such, I got the "You just don't understand how this works" response.

Those on the other side of this argument always have that out. Evidence (or the lack of it) means nothing. This is about faith, the belief in things unseen. That those things ruin people's lives...well, those folks lacked faith. Translation: they deserved it.

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Along with the horrible abuse he inflicted, he lent his "expertise" to a theocratic movement out to declare anything that wasn't white, fundamentalist Christian as "evil." This shit didn't go away of course. It's still there in the form of Alex Jones and Q Anon and other Christo-fascist goons who want to blame all the world's trouble on the Jews... I mean, Satan!

BTW, isn't it odd that virtually no-one uses the phrase "Fundamentalist Christian" anymore? The MSM insists on calling them "Evangelicals," a word I'm sure these Bible-fuckers prefer.

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But she said Bennett, who had her on an absurd cocktail of drugs, pressured her to tell him stories of things that didn’t happen

He turned around and did to them the same exact thing he accused others of doing. Jesus fuck

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Let's hope for Dr. Braun that neither God nor Satan exists, otherwise he is looking for a very long time on a very very very hot beach; looking out to boiling acid or something.

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I was living in PHX a the time and was telling co-workers this was all B.S. and media generated hysteria.......I lost SEVERAL close friends over this shit. A few have reached out over the years and apologized......be gone bitches.......too little, too late.......

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I have considered the potential existence of non-corporeal life forms. i.e. demons. I have come to the conclusion that if they do indeed exist, no real empirical evidence in either direction, They are nothing more than parasites No more fearsome than mosquitoes or black flies, perhaps less so. so if you feel you are beset by demons, get some good bug repellant. should work as well as holy water

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Belief in Satan by supposed "Christians" is puzzling. They elevate him to a position of near equality with God. He is able to battle with the omnipotent Creator God for possession of the immortal soul and often win. How can that be possible? Is that not a form of strictly forbidden idolatry?

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As per usual, this fuckface achieved enough wealth, fame, and notoriety that he COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE--even though all of that came through victimizing others. If that story doesn't sound familiar, watch how a certain overgrown Oompa Loompa skates with no consequences whatsoever

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"Welcome home!"


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It doesn't exist.

Tell that to the victims of Jeffery Epstein.

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jebus h pete the world really sucks sometimes...

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Another outcome of the Satanic Panic was the assault on RPGs, especially Dungeons and Dragons. People were told D&D was a gateway to satanism. One woman, as she was burning her son’s gaming books, reported that she heard “screaming.”

One upshot of it all was that the 2nd edition of AD&D was a very sanitized version of the game. Words like “demons” and “devils” were banned from the books. Certain spells were removed and players were discouraged from playing evil alignments.

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Ta, Robyn. Good.

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I remember when Geraldo jumped on the Satanic panic bandwagon. In retrospect, after Capone’s vault, it was the second most embarrassing thing he’d done during that period.

Today’s panic feels a bit different. Maybe it’s because it’s mostly confined to the Q-Anon loony bin. At least people aren’t being railroaded into prison because someone’s “recovered memories” convinced a court that they’ve engaged in ritual satanic abuse.

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Wow. And in other news from your Montana past, Lori Vallow is serving three life sentences and Chad Daybell just started his trial with a big fat death penalty attached to the end.

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