She didn't speak up because she liked her job. Not a victim, nope.

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Dr. Birx chose the second route, trying to keep her job saving lives. colluding in the policies that killed half a million Americans. FIFY

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If I survived one of those office assaults, I'd be using my remaining functioning digits to call 1. the copz, and 2. my lawyer!

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I think she really needs to be reminded of this ... a LOT! https://twitter.com/atrupar...

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"She's a medical doctor but now she's gone full existential. She might as well wear a French beret while pondering whether life has any meaning at all."

Will she be a film star in the European Union now? It could happen!

Her name is mud here in America. No one is going to let her forget any of that.But over in Europe film directors will know how to handle her to great advantage! The American Doctor Who Fucked Up! Watch as she walks a deserted beach, smoking a cigar and staring at the waves. Finally she turns to the camera and whispers "Fuck it! Just let me die."

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She didn't have to give Trump a rim job like this:"[Trump is] so attentive to the scientific literature & the details & the data. I think his ability to analyze & integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit”!

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She didn't have to kiss his ass and encourage his stupid comments!

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Every member of the Trump administration and the Republican party were on Team Trump. Dr. Fauci himself also praised Trump for his response. It's just naive folks think Dr. Birx speaking up would have resulted in anything changing, except for Birx being out of her job. She traveled to 47 states, over 25K miles to help governors combat the Trump virus after those remarks, so apparently her credibility was intact enough to offer support nationwide.

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Ta, Stephen.

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Also true. But I'm focusing on the notion that she could have stopped Trump that day, which is a claim people are making, and it's not a reasonable claim.

To be sure, nobody is holding Fauci to a similar standard, where he was somehow supposed to stop Trump from giving life-threatening advice.

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"The American Doctor Who Fucked Up!"

On the other hand, Paul McGann has done great in audio books, and "The Night of the Doctor" was pretty fantastic, so he deserves another shot.

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Inclined to agree. It was always such a fantasy that anyone just resigning or speaking up was going to finally somehow 'out' the Trump administration. Their evildoing and neglect was always done in broad daylight, so nothing she said would make a difference. Perhaps she did a few good things behind the scenes. in any case, it doesn't sit well with me that everyone is okay with Fauci taking a diplomatic approach and celebrates him, but drags Birx for not being able to figure out the best way to deal with the Psycho Narcissist in Chief.

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Maybe she should eat a Madelaine

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Could be both. Just because someone is a victim doesn't automatically make them a saint.

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The oath says "do no harm" or something like that. You could argue that forcing a painful live to continue is doing harm. It must be painful to be T***p.

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