Welcome to Sunday Shows where main stream media invites GOP to introduce their propaganda and conspiracy theories to the general public. All in the service of good journalism of course.

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That's the bad faith argument of far lefties who are not liked by the black community at large, and this argument is 100% not germane to the argument at hand. The far left possibly feels entitled to it, or that their ideas are "naturally" "better" for black communities. the problem is that for Joe, by getting Clyburn's endorsement, he kinda earned the votes he got. Bernie and others are just pissed they can't penetrate black voters... like last time with a miserable 15% in 2016. The rest of the issue is the idea that "everyone" got together in a back room and made Biden the nominee, versus the narrative I used. One in which Clyburn gave his friend a boost that set him on fire electorally. After that, the other candidates in the center lane knew they didn't have anywhere to go and likely didn't want to flush more cash down the drain. No conspiracy at all.

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She's an ardent Evangelical Christian---perhaps even in the Mike Pompeo category of True Believer, End Times and all. She may have rationalized this all as so many of them have, with Donald cast as King Cyrus, the great though flawed king who is part of God's purpose or the tip of his spear or some such squeamish-making vaguely Freudian rot.

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how much is one Birx in Collinses and is there a Birx to Collins conversion table somewhere because I'm starting to get my concern levels confused.

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Leasing a dog really depends on how many miles/yr you are planning on.

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one of the presidential candidates said something that could kinda be interpreted as racist maybe? the other presidential candidate said nothing but things that are racist (except when he was busy saying something sexist) called his previous opponent a skank and called the future VP fat. all while making a pandemic worse and killing thousands of people and ignoring it all so he could push his brand out on the golf course, so you know, both sides do it?

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This administration's strategy is to list some rules then ignore them, scorn them, whip up foolish citizens to protest them and ignore them and praise them as freedom fighters. When someone says, "But no one is following the rules, isn't this concerning?" you shrug and say, "Well, we've got this very nice list of rules!"

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I wish that woman would at least learn what to do with a scarf.

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I have no concerns. I have a certainty that there will be a rise in cases all over the nation as a result of how idiots behaved on Memorial Day.

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Obligatory “touching each other’s balls” joke in 3...2...1...

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But when they're held for pleasure, they're the balls that I like best.

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Damn it, you beat me to it.

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Eternally, with a rusty garden "votes".

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Sounds like a Weill/Brecht song, but it's Stoller/Leiber.

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Great post, MM, but I wish you'd used preventive instead of the redundant preventative, which bothers me at least as much as orientate. Ta.

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