In a perfect world the media would give Trump and his cronies only the most cursory of coverage while devoting all their time to non-shitty people, but that’s just not going to happen as people like Chuckles Todd are way more interested in, say, Newt Gingrich’s or Rick Santorum’s opinions than most Democrats.

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I believe you answered your own question

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How about “What a Bringdown” from Cream’s Goodbye?

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Hold it - we merkins do not use the metric system so why are you talking about 'metrics'?

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Piss off a judge? Bad plan.

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I upvoted. But you really need to stop holding back. Tell us how you really feel.

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The ‘Fox Box’ is fun tee vee insider jargon. From Wikiland:

The Fox Box is a digital on-screen graphic used during broadcasts of Major League Baseball and the National Football League, among other events. Although originated by Fox Sports, almost all sports networks now use a version of these graphics, either in box form, generically known as a "bug", or as a banner along the top or bottom of the screen. The graphic displays real-time information about the current condition of the game, such as the current score, which team has possession of the ball or is at bat, and so forth. The graphic remains superimposed over video during live action, but is not present during video replays of field action, on-camera segments in which the announcers appear, and studio cut-ins or commercials.

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Didn't matter to client. Client never intended to pay.

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Actually, I wore one to a halloween party circa 1992, and I was STUNNING....

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still, at the upper reaches of science everyone knows everyone else. So no doubt there's a back-channel or two they can use.

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True dat, but I was morbidly curious about the going rates....

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Moi aussi.

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Because Kryptonite

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Not recently but it's definitely an option.

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Is fenestration the act of being thrown in through a window?

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Only if a sorting machine resembles a tree shredder.

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