I know. They didn't test everyone, only those who had symptoms. It's one of these rough and tumble early studies, because no one has time to do much past the basic stuff, certainly not design a carefully crafted study. Today's study was an antibody study in Santa Clara County, with subjects recruited on facebook.

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I have a friend who lives with 6 cats. Occasionally one of hers brings prey into the house for everyone to play with. She does not find this amusing.

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She's a sociopath for money, like most of the wingnut welfare queens.

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Oh, I think she's a sociopath, period. remember what she did to Dinesh d'Souza when he broke their engagement.......now those two really did deserve each other, but......

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IMHO, yes, to all of the above.

When we can we let the remaining pets see the body of the one that has passed (and I know that this is not always possible). I think it helps them to understand or at least know.

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Yes, please, you're welcome here in L.A.!! We'll all gather and cheer your arrival at the train station with a rousing rendition of "The Acheson, Topeka, and the Santa Fe" and take you out to your choice of taco trucks!

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Virtual hugs to you and yours.

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We had a reopen demonstration in Annapolis Maryland today. Fuckin' idiots.

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I agree. The cat that is now confused about the change, the one that awakened me last night with her plaintive call, saw the body of a GSD we had, and she definitely seemed to understand, and grieved with us. Now, she just knows something is different. I'm giving lots of cuddles and reassurances, and she is extremely clingy. I couldn't bring the other one home to bury here because we still have snow and frozen ground.

I think there were multiple factors that complicated this loss, which makes for more painful and difficult-to-resolve loss, and this was one of them for both of us.

A weird little part of my brain told me the story that maybe the vet was able to keep her alive, and was waiting to make sure she was okay before he told me. I know, right? But the conversation with the vet gave me a different mind movie I can play for the hopeful/denial part of my brain.

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Brain always hopeful. We had the same problem when we had to take our old kitty on that final trip last month (frozen ground), had to leave her with the vet to cremate. Our two (small) dogs decided that other kitty was now at bottom of dominance chart. Other kitty was quick to disabuse them of that notion.

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My last kitteh (Hairybear, aka Fuzzbutt) was not a hunter, thank Heaven. He mostly just watched as whatever it was fluttered on by.The worst was the year we moved all our kittehs (and ourselves) to the Central Coast. We came home one day to find (too) many ragged little Monarchs fluttering weakly on the floor of our still under construction house. Can't really get mad at cats, for being what they are, but, Jeebus, what a terrible thing to see!

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Laura's a Nazi poster-bitch.

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If ever two deep lorables deserved one nother, it's Laura and Dinesh. Satan was the matchmaker.

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satan objects to that assertation and would like to know where your proof is. Direct quote: 'I'm not THAT bad'

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I read somewhere once that if they gift is dead, they think you need feeding. If the gift is alive, they think you need to learn to hunt. So there's some training going on here

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However, anything that gets the goat of couthless runt Ann Coulter can't be all bad....

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