It's so appetizing though.

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Well I saw his show once and he was saying that if you have a fold on your earlobe-- sort of a crease really-- it's a sign of a heart condition. And I have one, and I don't have a heart condition! And he's a cardiologist.

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I do blame her, because she is to blame. There's no therapy resembling what Dr. Phil does and he's harmful and it's his personality to be fault finding. Dr. Oz-- he might have changed over time and lost his senses, he just seems too talkative and silly. Because I know Drs. who knew him are puzzled by how foolhardy he now is. But Oprah is serious enough to have been upset that he's misleading people she cares about-- which is her audience. Don't you think? I guess you can't mess with peoples' income, tho.

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I have no idea why everybody landed on you for your comment.

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I do. People act like Mean Girls where only one opinion is tolerated. When the subject is staying isolated that’s good; referring to aTV show that’s silly. If you don’t like what someone says don’t listen. No one is forced to watch Phil or Oz. Too many people don’t want to be responsible for themselves. They want someone to tell them what to do or say or buy to make them “happy.” On Wonkette there are some people everyone wants to agree with, which can lead to mobs, just like the MAGAs.

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Invented by Ronald Reagan! He just wanted to be agreeable. Promoting mean policies but wanting to go on being that great sort of helpless guy you couldn't blame!

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Well it's spreading harm thru lies. Which it seems like Oprah would be bothered by. Dr Phil is a bigger bully than Trump, since he's viewed as a therapist. IMHO

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Earning an MD is not a guarantee of rationality.

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Another member of the dreaded Trump Death Cult.

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So here's an idea. How about visiting his "partners" and letting them know (politely! especially if you call their phone numbers) the murderous filth being unleashed in their names, and that you will be avoiding their products until they drop his "appetizing" show. https://www.doctoroz.com/tr...

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...with a side of curly fries.

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If you are so insecure you need to rely on her, that's your issue. Oprah is not responsible for what those men transmogrified into, and no one holds a gun to your head to make you follow her.

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and somehow, all of those who are so careless of (soneone else's) life never seem to sit back for one minute and truly ponder "what if it were MY life that would be lost?" well, except for that yutz dan patrick in texas, and i'm still not entirely sure he wasn't talking about someone ELSE making the sacrifice.

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what IS it with proficient surgeons being knuckleheads in real life?

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Anyone who goes on the teevee to talk about percentage of deaths oughta know enough to be REAL FUCKING SPECIFIC about what percent of what they are talking about. Percent increase in total cases? Percent increase in deaths? Over what base?

You also might want to FUCKING CONSIDER if you are doing something that might affect a certain population. For instance, if you are talking about opening schools, and if we believe that kids aren't as much affected by the Ronie, then I'm guessing that it's likely that a lot of the people falling in that percent of "extra death" might be teachers. It might make sense to think about whether those people are gonna want to go into a room with a bunch of hopped up disease vectors or not, and if we do want to ask them to do that, what sort of hazard pay we should offer.

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