Le Duc Quan libelz. You should be ashamed of yourself. Really. Did you know that after he martyred himself, Diem had his goons throw 15 monks off of a roof to their deaths to assuage his embarrassment?

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I’m already not looking forward to Spring 2021 and all those that will refuse the vaccine ‘cause........ fictional reasons. Just like not wearing masks, thereby selfishly lowering the effectiveness of prevention for all of us. Seems like the ‘socialist’ countries are dealing with it better, having far less death and hospitalization. Is it their governments, or is it their people that are not completely divided about what’s best for getting through the pandemic? Merica

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Not entirely, anyway.

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It didn't help that the DNC thought it was a good idea to run a candidate with the highest negative ratings ever.

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I LIKE Waffle House. I look for them when I travel.

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There are a number of them East of the river in Louisiana.

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The body count of Americans was as deflated as the counts of Vietnamese bodies were grossly inflated. There were orders from Westmoreland that guaranteed that.

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I knew it was a terrible thing to say when I said it. But that’s comedy.

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And heavy steroids.

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Cartoon villain libelz! Snidely Whiplash and even Hoggish Greedly had more class and competence than these sewer scrapings!

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To be fair, Trump couldn't protect Atlas' license for giving bad medical advice, but he could pardon him for fomenting violence. So Atlas changed it up.

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I don't think most people will refuse the vaccination, except for the current anti-vaxxers who think baby shots cause autism. Once Biden is in the White House, and (I HOPE) Trump's tweets cease the ignorantly stooopid will shut up. Fartknocker, whom I respect, thought there was a real chance of violence in Austin after the vote.

I doubted it, because when it's all said and done, there's A LOT MORE said than done. (I don't think there was election-related violence done in Austin that night, but I can always be wrong.)

It's mostly the constant stream of nonsense said LOUDLY by the RWNJs. If that ends, a lot of crazy will also.

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Good idea. Also they’d be a good backup if they lose their MAGA hat.

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It sure does suck. I feel lucky that I have a job where I’m not required to interact with assholes.

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Thanks for that.

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A very wise move on your part!

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