Working on #3, thanks.FOR HOURS NOW! askdjflgholwoieiousdhlh3490hhlsaa!

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The Defense Atty. probably spent a lot of time in his his years watching Perry Mason.

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As of this time, I'm totally with you.

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First thing I thought of when I read that sentence as well. I saw Rosanne Cash sing it last Saturday night - the song still gives me goosebumps.

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The judge threw out the one charge that was impossible to defend against - illegal possession of a firearm.

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Two years after I signed my Union card (SEIU-1199), I'm now a member. Solidarity forever.

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That is where my mind went immediately.

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I dreamed ,I saw Joe Hill last night alive as me and you .

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LR is not the only one who has expressed that opinion here about the country. It's an frustrated, angry, emotional response. Sometimes we just need to vent. The answer isn't always to just leave, but to try to make things better when we can. Unless a person is just flat out exhausted and can't do it any more. Which is also fair if they need to go somewhere else to feel safer. But telling a person to leave like that just sounds like so many MAGA responses I've heard over the years and is no more helpful than telling, say, a pregnant person in Texas who might need an abortion right now to just go to another state.

As far as Outlander, I don't know what your tastes are, so I'm not going to say anything about it other than I think the books are very well written and the series is one of the best book-to-screen adaptations I've ever seen. When I first heard, 20-some years ago, that the author was in negotiations to do that, I thought "NOOOOO! IT WILL BE HORRIBLE!" But it's been amazing. Again, YMMV and all that, and don't forget the TW.

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I'm caught up in the general giddiness (YMMV) of the BID becoming law and the BBB getting through the House. Generally things are MUCH BETTER for masses of people. Yes, it sucks to be a victim of Kyle R. or the gun nutz in Georgia. That's 3 dead and one wounded.

How many Americans have died of Covid or opioids over the past few months? A LOT MORE. Yes, numbers matter.

I haven't seen LR around, and I'll just shove their attitude right back at them. I don't need to be helpful to some stranger. There are enough other Wonkers I do worry about. And seeing how another new person here was treated recently during ICC's meltdown shows plenty of Wonkers don't give chances to all.

Yes, Kyle is shit. So are the gun nutz in Georgia. But that's not where I choose to dwell.

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I thought it was American Rifle. Others were making them before Armalite.

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When they come, I and mine will be ready.

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Wow. Maybe the best rendition I have ever heard and I have heard many. Also Joan Baez.

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You can just eat a bag...[REDACTEDED]


And here we are, eating our own faces.

I respected you, once.

On edit... a stranger? Really, im just a troll to you? Again [REDACTED]

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The common attitude of law enforcement during these years was that if a radical didn't do the crime, they'd probably commit a crime later so let's not bother too much with finding guilt or innocence.Puts me in mind of this:

“Do you really think all this deters crime, Mr. Trooper?” he said. “Well, in the generality of things I’d say it’s hard to tell, given that it’s hard to find evidence of crimes not committed,” said the hangman, giving the trapdoor a final rattle. “But in the specificality, sir, I’d say it’s very efficacious.” “Meaning what?” said Moist. “Meaning I’ve never seen someone up here more’n once, sir. Shall we go?”Pratchett, Terry. Going Postal (Discworld Book 33) (p. 18). HarperCollins e-books. Kindle Edition.

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