I also use campaign flyers as legal identification during traffic stops. Well, not so much "campaign flyers" as "yard sale" posters, but I figure just as legit.

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The intersection of those sets, drunken theocratic lady jurists, shouldn't be large enough to present a practical problem. Outside of Minnessota.

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Because it said she wasn't licensed to drive, where she was driving?

I don't know if they hand you a special drunk driver's license, or slap a big orange "DRUNK!" sticker on the one you have, but that would be a good reason not to have it (or to lie about having it) on you when you're busy violating the terms of the license.

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The entire Minnessota GOP should be slapped with "contempt of court", just for nominating this imbecile.

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"Officer, would you like to participate in some in-house polling?"

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Hey, at least time she was sober. Dumber than a sack of hair, but sober.

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Seeing that she puts the bible above the constitution in her mind she has done nothing wrong. Where in the bible does it say thou shall not drive shit-faced?

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BTW, advice for the youngz who don't recognize that photo: <strike>Rent,</strike> put "Some Like it Hot" on your Netflix queue. Mandatory viewing if you hope to know what that whole Marilyn Monroe thing was all about. Also, too, it's hysterical.

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