I have a picture of my human child stuck similarly on the rungs of a chair at crawling age. Obviously I immediately grabbed the camera. He can tell future therapists all about it!
Have similar one of child attempting to climb up on our coffe table. She got as far as hoisting herself onto the shelf at the bottom, and...yeah, Got hung-up. Lolol -- Late hubs grabbed camera snd took series of pics while I froze -- then rn to rescue child, who solved the problem by plopping backwards on her butt before I got there. Heh. Numerous pics in our albums with considerable future-blackmail value. XD
I had to read a post by our eminent Mr. Hurst to find a donation button? Ya'll should put it right up front. I'm subscribed but I'm handing money out to grandkids, kids, ppl I like and what not, because is fucking Xmas alright?
I see the donation button and will do so, but maybe put it on the frontpage? Just an humble suggestion.
The MTG thing reminds me that the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster states that climate change is prevented by pirates. There are fewer pirates now, and more climate change. Checkmate libs!
There was a mass shooting at a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, yesterday.
This headline will disappear from the news within the next 36 hours, meanwhile the story of the year will probably be about one rich CEO getting shot in Manhattan.
Stuck pup! Your hed gif source link: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/stuck-under-the-tree
And your jolly ol’ meme chat: https://open.substack.com/chat/posts/7b2e5788-3fb5-49ea-a1e1-2f3a0c36ac14?utm_source=share
Clearly a young pup. With age it will learn to lower it's ears for added traction.
Good thing for the pupper that it's not our monorail.
The monorail set the pupper's stuck on is a valuable antique now...
I have a picture of my human child stuck similarly on the rungs of a chair at crawling age. Obviously I immediately grabbed the camera. He can tell future therapists all about it!
As El Dad used to say, "future therapists need work too."
Have similar one of child attempting to climb up on our coffe table. She got as far as hoisting herself onto the shelf at the bottom, and...yeah, Got hung-up. Lolol -- Late hubs grabbed camera snd took series of pics while I froze -- then rn to rescue child, who solved the problem by plopping backwards on her butt before I got there. Heh. Numerous pics in our albums with considerable future-blackmail value. XD
Santa brought a monorail
The puppy thought it his
Now he has that stupid toy
Hung up on his biz.
Well done, my friend!
Who hasn't been there?
Do boobs count as biz?
Without doubt.
Santa's L'il Helper.
Will someone please pick up that puppy? He's still stuck on that rail.
I know how he feels.
Nah, nah, let's give him another hour or five.
/pops corn, settles back/
Stuck pup! Get yer stuck pup here! Special for X mas, going fast! Stuck pup! Stuck pup!
God bliss you and Merry Christmas/Hanukah/Winter Fest.
My visual cortex is cleansed from the pollution over to the left of the home screen.
Young doggy snagged his undercarriage, he did...
More experience will help...
Poor little pup thought it had longer legs.
Problem is that he's Arnold Palmer's puppy.
"There are no packages to snatch the bows off of to play with or ANY treats under this tree and I want OUTTA here!"
Aww...poor puppy! Did the cat trick him?
Is Santa jolly?
Wouldn't put it past the cat.
Oh that Puppy Face!
Poor doggy, getting high-centered like that.
"I shall call him Mugwump, because his mug's on one side of the fence and his wump's on the other."
I had to read a post by our eminent Mr. Hurst to find a donation button? Ya'll should put it right up front. I'm subscribed but I'm handing money out to grandkids, kids, ppl I like and what not, because is fucking Xmas alright?
I see the donation button and will do so, but maybe put it on the frontpage? Just an humble suggestion.
It warms my blackened heart to see Rs BIG MAD about judges...straight into my veins!
The MTG thing reminds me that the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster states that climate change is prevented by pirates. There are fewer pirates now, and more climate change. Checkmate libs!
Everyone should periodically stop and ask themselves, what's going on with my rear legs?? Is that why I'm not making progress?? (Probably)
The Loubia recipe is paywalled, I guess my basic NYT subscription doesn't cover tasty dishes.
But your basic NYT subscription gets you some of the highest quality sanewashing known to man (or woman).
Yeah, and Wordle.
So, if I'm getting the reference right, you're equating us with pigs, Babe?
Mastriano, you blithering idiot
QAnon Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano Posts Photo Of "Crashed Drone" (It's A Prop From Star Wars)
Aren't there any obscure Star Wars spacecraft he could have used? Even people not into Star Wars know a TIE fighter when they see one.
"It's a TRAP!"
Hook line and sinker, He's a Flounder!
I hear he's being recognized more and more these days.
I can really relate to that puppy in TABS. Some weeks I feel like I'm running constantly and never making any ground.
There was a mass shooting at a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, yesterday.
This headline will disappear from the news within the next 36 hours, meanwhile the story of the year will probably be about one rich CEO getting shot in Manhattan.
Mass shootings are just a way of life. Rich health care insurance execs getting delayed, denied, and not- defended is certainly news.
The Onion is on it, as always.
Gotta have my Tab's and Coffee in the morning ☕💯👍
When are people going to realize how dangerous those motorized scooters are? https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c4gx6p347dgt
A friend refers to them as urban tumbleweeds.
'SMOKING GUN lies to the FBI.' That's "smocking"!
Damn it, lost my "Gunsmock" meme!
Ma! The floor is broken!
i wanted the government to send drones full of vaccines to all the anti-vax/anti-mask rallies. . .