Every morning I make a main stream like Joe Salad's

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Lettuce not encourage them.

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I don't recall where I saw it, but I'm highly organized - it's in my "Facepalms" folder.

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Before we kale someone.

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It's a compound, suspension, and elemental :P

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Apparently prankster means "disclaimer to excuse being a fraud that deliberately tries to misinform".

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You can see where all this leading: four years of whining that the election was stolen by THEM.

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Mr. Salads: Is it possible that the folks in the neighborhood did not care about the car vandalism because they saw the film equipment and concluded it was a video shoot?

Oy vey with these morons and their videos.

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"interns" most likely.

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I hear Antarctica has a lot of land available

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As it turns out, it is not inconsistency which is the hobgoblin of little minds, but it is real hobgoblins who are attracted to said little minds, and then eat them.

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I've bean missing the puns around here.

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Permanent Facepalm:http://kerryj.com/wp-conten...

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Do you think Captain Scott's tent is still available? I'm moderately certain nobody's used it in a while.

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It'll have that faint smell of freezer-burned meat, but otherwise should be fine.

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I sometimes wonder about the random black men these weirdos manage to snag to film these things (this video or that one with the 'Cocks Not Glocks' protester getting killed).

Are they Ruckuses? Are they desperate for attention? Is it like "Bum Fights" where some jerk goes "I'll give you $100.00 to do something stupid)?

Anyhoo; These videos are stupid.

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