Like the trifecta of being fucked. And getting fucked nonconsensually, as the case may be.

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I guess the thing is, I don't know what happened in that hotel and I'll never get to see the unfiltered evidence...do I believe this guy is probably a misogynist asshole, yeah; do I recognize that chicks use sex (and allegations of the unwanted variety) as a weapon, absolutely. And it disgusts me, because every allegation that turns out to be false undermines a real victim's credibility by default. Especially in a situation like this where the alleged victim is going to be scrutinized because of the possibility of financial or other person gain as a motivation. That said, much like even the paranoid have enemies, even those of allegedly unsavory character can be victims of crime. Revelations of shady aquaintainces do not constitute prima facie evidence to support rescission of previously imposed restrictions (and, really, Penthouse-arrest, c'mon) that were presumably imposed after thoughtful consideration (here, I also concede that I probably don't actually have all the details of the evidence precipitating his release). I know, I'm living in a land of unicorns and lollipops to think all the evidence should be amassed and a fair day in court be had.

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Downsydrome McFistula is going to give a seminar - he'll share his downfisting tricks and tips.

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Novel! I generally clean in old sweats or similar. It'd be fine with me if hotel staff wore this type of "uniform." Then again, I'm not a rapey asshole. A plain old asshole, sure, but not a rapey one.

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It always comes down to he-said, she-said. Put Mr. Elegant French Gentleman on the stand, vs. Miss Drug Dealer's GF, and what's a jury gonna do with it? Even a jury of 12 drug dealers would let him walk. Heck, a jury of 12 drug dealers' girlfriends would let him walk (after 20 minutes' cackling about the plausibility of a 'forced BJ'.)

"Hard-working church-going clean-living immigrant mom" would have had a fighting chance, and that's what everyone was really hoping for here. Too bad we didn't get it: French/Rich V. US/Poor could have been the trial of the century.

BTW, any prosecutor who tells the press he's got "overwhelming evidence" in a rape case ought to be fired for stupidity and/or incompetence.

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the french are NEVER going to shut up about this.

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Does posting to teh Wonk-et signify "knowing the wrong people"?


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I'm sure the average French penis is much larger. It would be like finding a sausage in a room full of snausages.

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Yeah, the IMF has has problems with sexism going back since its inception. Knowing a pot dealer does not tend to up your chance of crying rape.

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If you are homeless they won't release you. People can spend 6 months in jail waiting for trial in this country since the federal court system is deprived of so many judges.

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He already put his dick in crazy, I don't think he wants to get fucked by crazy.

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700 dollar an hour, lol, the team probably costs 100k a day. He is spending at least a house on this a day, because that is what socialists do right?

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So, if a poor brown immigrant raped a rich French lady...the poor brown immigrant wouldn't get released from Penthouse-arrest? Ok, I get this whole criminal justice thing.

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Bad stuff only happens to bad people, dontcha know? Like brownz and poorz and womenz....because they deserve it.

Wait, bad stuff is happening to jet owners, too! There must be a flaw in my logic. I know, it's the brownz, poorz, and/or womenz' fault. /fixed

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I'm of like mind...I got the impression that there were inconsistencies in her story that were problematic, not just her associations. Meanwhile I have instructed Mr. PsycWench to avoid sexytime with hotel maids.

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Perhaps maid uniforms should be a theme for slutwalkDC.

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