"My cousins are as close as brothers" is one of the best lyrics ever.

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I saw this headline and thought: he's still a thing?

And then I realized: Yes. Yes, he IS still a thing - much as dung beetles are a thing.

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To paraphrase Jon Stewart, the Muslin beard is OK because he's also wearing a cammo bandana?

Why do you have to dress up like a SEAL to go hunting? Do the ducks also have shotguns?

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You know the <i>real</i> purpose of camouflage clothing? It is simply to <i>hide</i> from the ducks. <i>HIDE</i> from non-threatening, not-very-large, non-flesh-eating <i>DUCKS</i>! What a bunch of pussies.

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also, too, a sister. Nope, just one thing.

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As soon as Brad Pitt takes up psychiatry, we are all doomed.

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Damn, I have two thumbs but can only give you one for this comment (if such things were allowed).

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Also works without the m and u.

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