<i>we are perpetually amazed that they remain so blindingly dumb about how private companies work.</i>

Other way round, I think. Since the days of Reagan, we have come to measure meaning and value entirely in terms of consumerism. (E.g., train riders are no longer "passengers" or "commuters" or even "patrons"; they are "customers." College students are also "customers," purchasing $xx amount of education. Etc.)

As a result, half the country, and all of the fundies, imagine that government works like the free market. If people want some Free Speech or some Gun Rights, then they can buy some of that. And if govt says they can't, then govt is undemocratic.

Gives new meaning to the term "Washington Mall."

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Nothing says "Emmy" like having half the country hate your show before it's even on the air.

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"Simply" "holding a view" is clearly, obviously not what got these boys the media coverage. This brave group of twitterer-warriors needs to lie about events in order to fluff up their donors. Same as it ever was.

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I can think of a House I'd like to flip.

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It's a wonderfully diverse country in which all the correct people hold to their "view of life and marriage," and this sentence is an example of "bullying."

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I'm tired of sharing my 'reality world view' with their 'biblical world view'.

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Fox and Friends.

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two Buck Chuck

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As Jules Feiffer famously had Eisenhower say, "We must take a stand between those who want to keep schools open and those who want to blow them up."

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<i>HGTV’s rash actions hold no place in America’s rainbow of diversity.</i>

I have to admit, that's the prettiest way I've ever heard gay bashing and bigotry described.

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Can we make sure the FEMA camps begin the re-education process with a complete refresher course of 12th grade civics?

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I've got a better hashtag


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Let them eat bibles.

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Naw mang, more like Hawt Gays Transforming Victorian homes with fierce decorating skillz.

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These teevee channels have got to stop being so subdued with the bigotry. Why not just give the local KKK chapter their own reality show? Call it White Sheet Dynasty, There Goes the KKK or American Asshole.


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I thought it was right next to the cat food.

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