If there was a god he would have struck them dead not canceled a god awful tv show

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... yeah, just ask my parents. "You want love? TOUGH!" Well, they think it works. I disagree.. but nobody is listening to me anyway.

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... and then a Voice booms out from the swirling vortex of dark clouds saying... "fuck off with your beseeching, I am SO done with you sanctimonious whiners." Then the single-wide trailer flies over the treetops and off into the distance. < end scene >

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... or in the case of Mama Duggar, a four door garage.

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TLC provided the Duggars with the financial freedom to open or start several businesses. Labor intensive no less. Their own family and members of their church.I know one venture is flipping houses and I think used cars. But that might have been an Onion type story.But I do know they are in dire straights. They operated under the assumption that they were going to be on TV until the Second Coming.

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... alas, that almost never, ever happens... haven't you heard? Even convicted criminal Jim Bakker (of the now-defunct Pass The Loot Club) is back and sitting up front on the End Times Grifter Bandwagon... they never really go away. Exhibit A: Pat Robertson...

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... that's called tithing, or offerings, or a blessed collection... whatever, it never works. It's like car insurance, you pay for it in advance, but when you need to use it there's always a deductible you can't afford. And then you need to pay more (pray more?) in the future... 'tis a good grift overall.

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... perhaps a re-make of I Spy titled I Prey?

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♫ ♬ Somno... ophilia... bedclothes... blueballs cry... ♫ ♬

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... there were times when I thought that might apply to me, and I felt bad, then I look at the Duggars and I think... "Halle-fuckin'-lujah! - there but for the grace of a non-existent god go I". And then I feel better.

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... I'm willing to bet that their faith (whatever brand of Xtianity it is) comes with that Duotheism Get Out Of Jail Free Card... the Mighty Mighty Lawd Gawd Above will forgive any crime as long as you REPENT! and accept His Bastard Son into your heart. Not sure who came up with the original concept, but you can bet they had something to hide as well.

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... "Depending on how you pronounce minute it has one of two different meanings. When the “u” is short, a minute is a short period of time made up of 60 seconds. When the “u” is long, minute means very tiny. Either way, it's something small." Which sums up DimBulb Duggar any way you look at it.

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... thanks for that DsM... I remember reading something about how much it cost to put food on that endless parade of chilluns, and I thought at the time "if they ever lose this TLC gig, there is no way - short of dumpster diving - they are ever going to feed this brood, after all, SNAP only goes so far (sort distance that it is)".

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... " you mean after all I've subjected my vagina to, and gave up my uterus for, I can't make money from this anymore? Whatever shall I do? Where shall I go?"

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Now THAT would have made me watch 'Twister.'

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Too much ankle, I think.

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