Dirtbag clown/redneck millionaire Randall Williams -- who goes by his legendary father's name to better fleece the poors -- done went and half-assed called Obama a "Hitler" on the Fox News, and you know you can only do that in code, or while huntin' coon with Rick Perry or whatever.
IDP: Apparently his son "Hank 3rd," although Randall really isn't "Hank, Jr." thinks his Dad had a wake 'n' bake. He suggested "politics and weed don't mix."
Steve Doocy is able to recognize something as being "too stupid"? This has to be some kind of divides-by-zero paradox. When does the wormhole open up?
Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Hey...it just dawned on me, if there are some wonketeers that live there abouts, I won't have much time, but I'd really dig meeting some of you.
I loved the statement at the very end from Wretchin that the Bung Hole’s views don’t represent FOX News. I bet Fox gives him his own news show after this interview.
I know, right. Flower it may be, but it's a shitty name, it's history of a sorts...and if you name your stupid big hat ranch after something with a shitty name, you're just being a dick.
Of course, when progressives such as John Kerry and Dick Durbin use "nuanced analogy" regarding the US Military and German soldiers, that is immediately reduced by the right wing to "They called them 'Nazis!'"
IDP: Apparently his son "Hank 3rd," although Randall really isn't "Hank, Jr." thinks his Dad had a wake 'n' bake. He suggested "politics and weed don't mix."
I'm not so sure about that...
Great tip...I'm a SH fan.
Doocy's face at 1:35 says: "that's too fucking stupid for even this show."
Steve Doocy is able to recognize something as being "too stupid"? This has to be some kind of divides-by-zero paradox. When does the wormhole open up?
Apparently Ted Nugent wasn't available. Or Chuck Norris. Or Jon Voight. Or any other C-List "entertainer."
Is that a good beer? I see a lot of them in my future, I think.
"A few cans short of a six-pack" should cover it for this goober.
Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Hey...it just dawned on me, if there are some wonketeers that live there abouts, I won't have much time, but I'd really dig meeting some of you.
I loved the statement at the very end from Wretchin that the Bung Hole’s views don’t represent FOX News. I bet Fox gives him his own news show after this interview.
I know, right. Flower it may be, but it's a shitty name, it's history of a sorts...and if you name your stupid big hat ranch after something with a shitty name, you're just being a dick.
He was just misunderstood. <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/03/hank-williams-jr-ob...">http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/...
I enjoyed that...thanks.
Eva Braun?
OT: Dear Lord...thou knows I leave for Texas in 4 days. Please help me keep my mouth shut as I encounter Big Hat Dumbassery.
Well played!
Of course, when progressives such as John Kerry and Dick Durbin use &quot;nuanced analogy&quot; regarding the US Military and German soldiers, that is immediately reduced by the right wing to &quot;They called them &#039;Nazis!&#039;&quot;
Since his real first name ain&#039;t Hank, I&#039;d say Luke the Grifter.