I make them, and Caesars, with bacon-flavoured hot sauce. Yum.

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P.S. Canada agrees.

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I still think a show with Josh Digglar as a camp counselor for all the Trash Lies Crap execs kids would be awsome.

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I feel ya. Vick is especially despicable. I was a long-time Pittsburgh fan from the 60's to 80's before I moved to TX. I had to convert as part of my wedding vows. LOL j/k. Okay, partly kidding.

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that's what one sez after praying to the FSM, right?

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As Zippy once said "Yow! Everyone, out of the genetic pool!"

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not "Acqua Fresca, Vino Puro, Figa Stretta, Cazzo Duro"?

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my parents left me home alone after installing smoke alarms and not realizing the batteries were already running low and they chirped every 30 minutes ...

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It's usually Tabasco or hot sauce.

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The Venn Diagram for those two populations is a perfect circle.

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Kinda remind me of the great Richard Pryor (miss you man!) and his famous answer (in a sketch) to his wife who just caught him in the 'act' with another woman: 'Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?'I saw the video, these two paid **** can go ***** themselves for all I care.

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It's going to be a (R), so it's gonna gonne be better.But if at least it's not a member of (or anyone supported by) the so-called 'Freedom Caucus' (or whatever)... Then we can say it won't gonna be worst.

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About a year and a half ago, after his dad unexpectedly died, my son toyed with the idea of being a Catholic. He went to mass a few times with a friend from work, and then kinda let it go. And so now, he considers himself a Christian but still steers very clear of any Church. So it's weird. It's like he's afraid if he goes to a church, or actually reads a buybull, it'll ruin it for him. I'm like, whatever makes you happy, dude. But secretly, I think he's knows it's BS but just wants the comfort of it for now. Time will tell.

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You mean the Dullards?

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Best instant rimshot ever...

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It has become my go-to rimshot. It's that grin/blink that kills me.

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