All I can think about is how this played out in the 1920s and 30s...Genocide and Holocaust and WWII. The tragic implications are immense. The RWNJ and ISIL both want the end of the world because they think Jesus is going to save them (yeah, ISIL believes in Jesus, too...he's going to be one of their generals or some such) I'm not that far from my own end so part of me just feels...WTF they destroy the world...I've got enough drugs to snuff myself. I'm losing hope.

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The US is ALREADY one of the toughest countries in the world to gain entry into as a refugee. The process is quite daunting.

As some (very) senior administration official (using the code name B. Barry Bamz, I think, but check that) pointed out the other day, we let in hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East and elsewhere each year on tourist visas and student visas with very few problems (because security), and yet the Rs are worried about refugees who are already subjected to a two year-long screening process first? The Rs don't want to choke off the influx of foreign tourists and students though, because that would be bad for business.

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Global telecommunication and 24-hour cable news creates the illusion (usually subconsciously) that whatever event is being shown on the newscast is happening practically right in the viewer's own living room. (Remember, this is occurring on a level just below full consciousness and so it is not under rational control.) The experience is truly that vivid and immediate. So the sense of alarm that is normally experienced upon hearing about or seeing pictures of horrific events is cranked up enormously by the fact that it feels like it is all taking place right here. I have no doubt that many Americans have the false feeling that WE were attacked last week, and not, or not just, the people in Paris. There is a vague but disturbing sense that the US was hit by the terrorists and took casualties right here on our own soil. And this leads to a feeling that our security has broken down and our leaders have been negligent, even though ours wasn't the country that was attacked.

Of course this is all an illusion, part of a reaction to shocking events, and if people thought calmly about it for a minute they would realize that. But it is hard to feel calm when the vivid, gruesome images are being replayed over and over again on the news, accompanied by heart-wrenching first-hand accounts of survivors and witnesses and the lurid reporting of TV news teams on the scene and back in the studio. I really wish that CNN and others would show some sensitivity and common sense and do the kitten thing for awhile each day while exhorting viewers to calm the fuck down.

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But that would hurt ratings!

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Fundamentalist death cults.

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Tantrum strikes again

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"Thank American Jesus for my gated community!"

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He's ok, but his bunk didn't make it.

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I like to tell them that when they comment the "libruls should take Syrian refugees into their homes". And also suggest that the "pro life" should adopt a couple of special needs children. It's nice to hear the crickets

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Weird about that "Christian" part of that, named for that "Christ" guy, yes?

He said some words or sermons or whaterver about helping foreigners, if I'm not mistaken. Also helping the downtrodden and oppressed.

But sure, he didn't actually say Muslims, so technically, okay! THUMBS UP FOR THE CRUELTY LOOPHOLE

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Wingnuts so ignorant on France. France is the opposite of "politically correct" when it comes to the browns. No multiculturalism in France - the nation is officially "color-blind", it doesn't even keep any ethnic records, you're either "born in France" or "not"; they've banned Muslim women wearing the veil in public places. All the stuff that libertarians and many Republicans want. And yet, it didn't force-assimilate people who were subject to racism, no matter whether the government refused to "see race". Hmmm

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Because HER family fled one of: a) the Balkan Wars before WWI, b) WWI, c) the Germans during WWII or d) the Greek Civil War after WWII, so her family 'deserved' to come here no questions asked. Yours did not, too bad, so sad, FU. That's her whole worldview in a nutshell. IGMFU is *every* Rethug's mantra.

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I think she likes " Taken by a T-Rex" better

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It's called reconnaissance and when checking out the right, it is a fucking painful exercise. You should give that person a hug. They need it

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I'd say she should watch The Battle of Algiers, but that would probably make me a terr-err-ist.

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