If they're really Jesus bandaids, they damned well better heal all wounds in three days tops.

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Looks like she protected her account. Here's what I can grab from Tweetdeck: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Russia s old news let's get back to investigating Benghazi.

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I'm eating Vermont maple syrup right now, so it's cool.

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Sally Yates vs. Ted "The animal" Cruz, in the old Knockout video game: Cruz: Right, right right right. Yates: Body blow! body blow! body blow! uppercut! uppercut! knockout!

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Is it offensive to puddles of Grade B maple syrup, or is it offensive to Fancy, or Grade A Medium Amber maple syrup? Nervous Canadian maple syrups want to know. Any time the name Cruz is mentioned, the Canadian maple saps literally quiver in fright in the phloem.

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When I was little I crayoned my name on the lounge wall and tried to blame it on my little brother who couldn't actually write yet. I was still more believable than Donald "no I'm winning, totally, forget that I keep having to fire half my staff" Trump.

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She can totes do better! His eye isn't on her, WTF?

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reminds me of one of Don Martin's "A Mad Look at Winter" in which you see the dog frozen with his leg raised.

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[but that Karma isn't so instant]

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The Republicans are not going to stop this. It all comes down to the citizens flooding the streets and fucking shit up. And there's going to be blood, because they've been training the military and the cops to fire on us since the Reagan era.


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"... when will this taxpayer funded charade end?"Wow, I was saying this every dammed day - starting in, i don't know, around 1994? It went on for, what, six years? I'd say this is yet another proof that Trump is a wimp compared to our tough Hillary Clinton.

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They also thought Trump won the debates.

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LOVE Don Martin, especially "National Gorilla Suit Week".

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Unfortunately, I think the same can be said for many strong, intelligent women, particularly those who are outstanding at their jobs.

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