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They're targeting the folks in the states that accepted the expansion. They've already made it clear that they're going to be approving section 1115 waivers that include the work requirement.

(the fact that many people aren't able doesn't matter; the work requirement isn't about getting free labor or about making folks feel as though they're earning something, it's about domination games and the humiliation of those who have to ask for help, and then have to prove that they're not able to do [fill in the dismissive description of a 'simple' job of your choice]. being able to harass the disabled is just lagniappe)

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So, my daughter was a beneficiary of the Medicaid expansion while already working as many hours as her crap retail job would give her. Because FIGHT FOR 15 fuck that too.

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Ryan admitted it today finally.


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Ooh! Coupled with Weasel Stomping Day, and we all get to use our special shoes more than once.

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SOYLENT GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I knew there was something about that guy I didn't like.

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May fave was when they thought taking out the word Muslim would fix it. One of the judge's rulings was, essentially, "Did you think we weren't listening last year?"

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Ya know, we got a government shutdown deadline in April. I can't remember if it's the debt ceiling or a CR for the budget, but, can't help wondering how that goes down.

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In big gold letters, just the way he likes it.

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The Republican party is that guy that forwards that Youtube video to everyone on his contact list three years after everyone's seen it.

h/t Weird Al.

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And they're going to have to get something from their doctor as part of the waiver process, and the doctor is going to get so fucking sick of filling out this same form over and over, since that's not why he nearly killed himself to become a doctor in the first place.

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apparently nothing will get the body count high enough for these monsters.

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You know That Wall, you can pile those corpses there I suppose....

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He may or may not be willing, and he may or may not have the spare time.

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I like how the hair and the commode are the same shade.

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