Well in the early days he did have a betting thing going with God. It was kind of like playing the street number, only with people. Just look at that poor sonafabitch Job. Then there was the whole talking snake thing where Satan kind of got us all banished from paradise and brought about the destruction of the Garden of Eden. But I see your point. I mean, who hasn't screwed around and maybe gone just a little too far at times. Let he who hasn't wished for the destruction of an entire civilization cast the first stone, I always say.

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Why is it every time a Fox "journalist" uses the phrase "some would say," I mentally fill in "fucking idiots" between some and would?

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So the nutbag talking points are urging condemnation of public figures for what they <i>don't</i> say? There's no way this could ever backfire!

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In Ireland if a Catholic marries a Protestant it is considered a "mixed" marriage. Although I hear things are getting a wee bit more progressive lately.

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I tried to watch it, but it appears to be blocked in the US. Is there another link?

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Christians did not drive the Civil Rights Movement; it was the Jews. duh! The government saw it as both a Jewsih and Communist movement. Negroes or Blacks shouldn't be Christians, because it was use to support slavery and the Jim Crow South. They are so damn ignorant. Christians are killers. Ask the indigenous peoples of China, Japan, South America, North America, Central America, Australia, Africa and everywhere inbetween.

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Yes, because if there's one thing we know about Huckabee and his ilk, it's that they accept moderate Muslims. Well, when they're not screaming for them to knuckle under to Christianity or get out of the country that is.

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Has anyone noticed there are Islamic (not Islamist) nations fighting ISIS/ISIL with us? We should definitely insult them.

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Right after 9/11, Dubya said "This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while."

<blockquote> "Bush is walking a fine line," suggested Dominique Moisi, a political analyst with the French Institute for International Relations, the country's top foreign policy think tank. "The same black and white language he uses to rally Americans behind him is just the sort of language that risks splitting the international coalition he is trying to build.

"This confusion between politics and religion...risks encouraging a clash of civilizations in a religious sense, which is very dangerous," he added. </blockquote> CS Monitor, Sept 18, 2001 <a href="http:\/\/www.csmonitor.com\/2001\/0919\/p12s2-woeu.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0919/p12s2-woeu.htm...">http://www.csmonitor.com/20...

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<i>"as if it was Christians who were responsible for racism in America"</i>

We're a Christian nation except when we're not.

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Yes, Mike, it was conservative Christians who fought to change America and end racism. Because that's what conservatives are always doing, trying to find new ways of thinking to make things better for everyone. It's why so many evangelical Pastors are fighting for gay marriage today.

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Waiting for Huckabee (and his co-religionists at Fox News) condemn the KKK, Nazis, Duck Dynasty and other Christian radicals?

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Mrs Greenspan piles <a href="http:\/\/talkingpointsmemo.com\/livewire\/andrea-mitchell-obama-crusades-breakfast" target="_blank">on</a>. What can we conclude when two such deep thinkers agree?

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But can he dig it?

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Everyone knows that the Christian God is responsible for all of the good things in the world. He wasn't always that way however, he used to be kind of cranky and insecure when he was first starting out. He had his diva moments in the past. You might remember that time he told Abraham, "Hey Abe, if you really love me you'll kill your kid". Of course he stopped him and was like, "C'mon Abe, you thought I was serious? What kind of God do you think I am?"

He was a little manic in those early years, like when he destroyed an entire town and then turned this chick into salt just because she noticed it and looked, or that time he drowned pretty much all of existence. He was a pistol back then, but then he had a kid and he's mellowed quite a bit since then. That's why it really isn't fair to bring up all of the old violence that has been done in his name. He was a very different kind of God and he's really gotten in touch with his inner child (and his inner ghost-bird) since then. In fact you could argue that he was actually the Jewish God back then.

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Why not have Huckster to shut the fuck up

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