Richard Cohen probably doesn’t have very good eyesight, it might be fun to put a blond wig on a roofie inhibited Karl Rove and drop him off on Cohen’s doorstep.

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has he heard about twitter yet?

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Is there anybody in America who hasn't called Christine O'Donnell a "nut job"? Karl Rove said it <i>on</i> the teevee, while the rest of us -- Papa McCain included -- just said it <i>at</i> the dang teevee.

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Give the guy credit for noticing the rarity of a Repubican bootstrapping off their father's or mother's fame. No self-respecting Repubican would do such a thing. Only Meghan McCain, right?

There's Chris Wallace. But he's only a Fox reporter. Well, Liz Cheney too. I guess you'd have to include Rand Paul. Ben Quayle. Lisa Murkowski. Trig Palin (eventually).

And Dubya Bush.

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