He pukes, you die.

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That sounds right.

Australia didn't want trump bc they thought he was mobbed up ... and that was back in the '80s. Way before all the stuff in the Dutch documentary.


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It is amazing to me how some of the military are all in on MAGA and trump's phony photo ops and (frankly weird) mil fetishization.

And considering republicans believe "everyone out for their own" and only losers rely on others, I am again amazed that people who literally MUST rely on others could vote GOP.

I just don't get it.

-------------[OT but not OT]:My brother asked a job applicant last week if he thought he'd done all his accomplishments "all on his own." (I can't remember how he phrased it exactly, but it was more artful than what I just wrote.) He doesn't usually ask that, but a couple prior responses were sending up flares and he wanted to give the guy a chance to squelch those nascent concerns.

Guy apparently answered at length how he has never needed anyone's help and WOULDN'T accept it if it was offered. The guy made a very big deal of emphasizing that second part.

"If you were in danger of missing a deadline, would you ask for help?" Guy says that would never happen bc he's too smart to misjudge time.

"If a coworker asked for your help on some technical aspect, how would you handle that?" Guy says (among other things) that 1. only if the boss knew about it, because 2.) bonuses aren't infinite and the coworker needs to "feel the penalty" of "being ignorant."

(He also went on another riff of how he didn't need anyone's help ... despite going to college for STEM degree where he was presumably taught things.)

My brother finally (and he admits, a bit sarcastically) asked if he drove on paved roads to get to the interview.

Current discussion in the family right now: If someone /really/ believes in the right's idea that you should not help others, how does that not affect their ability to help others at work? How much does/could/might a person buying into GOP's bs of "rugged individualism" impact that person's ability to "play well" on a team?

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The Guardian has an article today on another memo, by a journalist name of Shearer, has much of the same information as the Steele dossier and one little detail appers in both Steels dossier and the Shearer memo:

"Among other things, both documents allege Donald Trump was compromised during a 2013 trip to Moscow that involved lewd acts in a five-star hotel."


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Rugged individualism is one of the big lies America is built on.

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And yet, despite all the evidence and common sense, it now appears that a vampire can simultaneously be a vampire.

How else can you explain the Trump administration.

I believe there is also a touch of ghoul.

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I hope so

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Sorry, your truly the idiot that takes the cake

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Pointing out the facts isn't trolling, facts are facts and you are too among the idiot club

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So your comment in no way showed that we are idiots.

It only showed that you are the sort of person who takes pride in calling total strangers "idiots" because their political beliefs differ from yours.

Thanks for the clarification. Got it.

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Because they fight harder and dirtier. They message way better. Where is the Dem response to the bogus Nunes memo? They're releasing classified material, for god's sake.

I'd start with: "Who do you believe? The politicians or the FBI?"

This country will chose a bully over a wimp every time.

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Not just profit, but short-term profit for a select few.

The bankers were willing to destroy their own businesses so they could walk away with huge bonuses. If not for the bailout many of those firms would have gone under.

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So that's why the memo was written in crayon.

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Since this was a renewal of the surveillance, the original FISA approval preceded the Steele dossier by a long time.

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Sure they are. But they'll give him the wrong address.

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