I'm not even gonna look at the story.

Three-judge panel with two Republican appointees, amirite?

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"You've said that water is wet, but why won't you say that it's not dry?"

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Gonna paddle ah little bee-hind.

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Same for me. Very irritating.

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Next time I recommend asking about the velocity of an unladen swallow. It's just as useful a question.

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A honking big redwood, Katy. Wanna see why?

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Don't forget about the lakies and mercenaries for the winners. Maybe they can keep their jobs till they retire (just kidding, one they end social security they will never retire).

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The Adults are in charge now, so you will submit to petulant badgering until you say UNCLE! SAY UNCLE!!

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At least now the Senate and House can investigate this scandal and get an answer to this pressing issue.

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loser, obvs the REAL question is when is Obummer going to admit Tuesday was a TERRORIST ATTACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The ghost of Helen Thomas needs to do some Poltergeist-type haunting of these lackwits.

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I wasn't bad... it sucked donkey balls.

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"It might also be bad for Republicans. Now they actually have to govern. Seeing how they think Government Is The Problem™ this might turn out to be a lot more difficult to accomplish, but I'm sure you folks in the press *fingerquotes* will help them gloss over any measurable shortcomings with more of this kind of exacting non-pedantic catch-22 journalismogimmickry."

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What the hell kind of sophistry is this?

They should become "the heroes of their own stories"? This isn't some intellectual exercise in Moot Court. You can't meet someone as a "fellow citizen" if they deny you the right to be equal to them in all measures because they think their "Good Book" told them to. That's why we have courts in the first place.

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"I heard your question, but given that it's a stupid-ass question I've elected to ignore it."

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Not that it's much consolation, but there was <a href="http:\/\/touch.towleroad.com\/all\/2014-11-judge-marthy-daughtry-rips-colleagues-in-stinging-dissent-of-6th-circuit-marriage-ruling.html#1" target="_blank">one hell of a dissent</a>.

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