Oh, Ratcliffe again.God Almighty, that face.Where does the Republican party find people with faces like this and minds to match?And talking of people like that, and Flynn's batshit lawyer, who is one of the people like that, if God forbid Trump gets another four years in the Oval Office, my guess is Christopher Wray will be gone and Sidney Powell will be the next FBI chief.

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Good to the lastDROOOOOOOOOOOP!

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I am not referring to how much of an asshole he is, I am talking specifically of his delivery last night-His interrupting non stop madman banter. I've known of Trump for years, I was friends with one of his former lawyers from years ago, who jumped ship b/c he got tired of bailing out a manbaby. I've been acquainted with one of the legal investigators who helped Ivana with her divorce.

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Peaky Blinders cosplay. LOL. Aunt Polly says those boys can fuck right off.


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*Sir, this is a Wendys*

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A trap door is the best solution for violations. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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There's a reason they teach the "boy who cried wolf" story. Not that everyone gets it, but that would be why it still needs teaching.

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Silly you. Expecting their panic-induced crazy assertions to make any kind of logical sense.

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That policy is often misunderstood and/or wrongly applied. It was my job (among many others) for 12 years to administer discipline in a public career and technology center that enrolled 10th thru 12th graders. It is important to first recognize that the purpose of the policy is to deter bullying and violence which is a huge issue in schools like mine. The classic scenario usually goes something like this:

Billy is a bully. He taunts and harasses Vinnie (who is always younger and/or smaller and/or weaker and/or lesser abled) relentlessly, until one day Vinnie gets the Popeye disease ("That's alls I can stands cuz I can't stands no more") and clocks Billy, whereupon Billy pounds Vinnie to a pulp. While clearly the victim here, Vinnie failed to take the necessary step of telling a teacher, administrator, or parent before reaching his breaking point, depriving the adults of any opportunity to intervene before things escalated. Alternatively, when Vinnie punches Billy in the nose, Billy is shocked and backs off with a bloody nose.

Now, try to discern the degrees of culpability and appropriate sanctions in each of these two cases. That is basically what the equal penalty policy is based on.

Then, in the parent conferences with both families, which I made mandatory before imposing out-of-school suspensions, Billy's parents berate and vilify me for sanctioning their poor innocent darling who was merely defending himself or nursing a bloody nose, and Vinnie's parents berate and vilify me for failing to protect their poor innocent darling who had been mercilessly bullied by Billie the brute for days or weeks on end.

Far, far, less often were cases where the aggressor simply attacked the victim with little or no provocation. I called these assaults and referred the attacker to the police and gave the victim any needed medical attention, counseling, and assurance that I was going to administer the maximum allowable school penalty. (Depending on the severity and/or injuries in cases like Billy vs Vinnie I might or might not involve the police.)

One other consideration I'll mention before fucking off is that rarely is all of the information about the initiation, escalation, and culmination of the bullying available to the administrator sitting in judgement, which often made for some really difficult decisions. The above scenario is a composite of literally hundreds of incidents that I handled. As they say, "hard cases make for bad laws."

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Putin to Trump: "Bitch, better have my money!"

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Apparently Gleeson called out the Flynn case filing and Durham's "weird" investigation during the hearing yesterday. Judge Sullivan did exactly what the DOJ was afraid he would do. He exposed the entire charade in court for the record. At this point I think he's got to throw out the DOJ motion and sentence Flynn. It won't end there but it will move to the next phase. Appeals, pardons, whatever.

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John Ratfuck, please sit down and STFU.

Anyone else, please feel free to pull the chair out from under him.

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The only problem with all of this is that if Hillary and Obama and whatever other deep state operatives were trying to conspire against Trump, THEY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT DURING THE ELECTION. We didn't find anything about the collusion with Russia until after thr orange asshole was president. Some fucking incompetent deep state we got let me tell you.

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Staying true to form, Trump is interested only in the (presidentially pressured) announcement.

Underlying facts? He waves his paw and says "Bah."

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And figuring out who won doesn't necessarily turn on who's in the wrong.

Vote! Give! Volunteer!

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