The correct answer is always c.).

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Butterdezillion is what you get when is someone trapped in there house waiting for there meds from the drugstore and some nourishment from the grocery. If the meds had not shown up when they did we could easily be a third of they into a good contemporary fantasy novel. Damn shame.

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That's going to take some real tiny graph paper. I am going to have to take a jpeg of my screen because it helps align the ions, or something.

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It's because it's a FEMA CASKET, SHEEPLE!! Do I have to spell everything out??

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So someone has let sheriff Joe and the Mystery Machine dudes story out about a month too soon,damn Orly is going to be mad about this shit

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The casket is too small because it is filled with all the votes that would have put Mittens over the top in Ohio.

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<i> ... conspiracy theorists really need to take some expository writing classes and learn to explain what they’re claiming</i>

Conspiracy nuts puking up top-secret-facts-that-are-on-the-internet-but-still-top-secret don't need no steenking explanations. That's the job of the conspiracy nuts who read the material.

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We won't believe what he finds out!

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Thereby averting a massive explosion.

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Changing up a few letters is exactly what you'd expect Obama to do. Q.E.D.

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Hey kids! Let's have fun with Photoshop!

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The only thing to do is exhume the casket and just yank the shit out of the arms.

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Obama will stop at nothing to keep Loretta Fuddy alive. He is truly history's greatest monster.

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Butterdezillion is Eric Hoff! Here's the <a href="http:\/\/butterdezillion.wordpress.com\/" target="_blank">proof</a>.

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Yes, but only to people who hate having anything rammed down their throat.

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