They do things just because it will piss off the liberals. So they assume that liberals are equally eager to do things for no other reason than that it will piss off conservatives.

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Wait, so cats are sheep? Can he pick which one is camel?

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No. I want the first one, it's much more effective!

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Good christ, these idiots are straining my rage meter.

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I hope these aren't face-to-face arguments. Tell your sister that you'll never be in her presence again until she cleans her act up. Warn your family to do the same. Shun her.

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I prefer to think of them as moistened bints.

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I'm going to take a wild guess and opine that Mr. "Being scared all the time isn't good for your health. It suppresses your immune system" Smith probably doesn't leave his house unless he's armed.

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Hahahahahaha. Yes!!!

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INGRAHAM: It's all for safety, then everyone should know this is not a temporary thing. They will ... if they get real power ... pass a rule ... mandating that masks from here on out, on public transportation, whether it's a plane or a bus, FOREVER. Not just now. You gotta wear it during flu season. FOREVER MASKED. It's not just during COVID. It's FOREVER.

I'm sure she has facts and citations to back up this statement because if there's one thing chuds hate, it's fake news, right? /s

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I want to start making masks with fabric that says "where's YOUR fucking mask?"

Or fabric that says "I wear a mask because I care about you." That might be better.

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Now that red states are seeing the infection rates climb after opening, and blue states are seeing it decline after being more cautious, Hannity is changing his tune about masks and distancing. One might ascribe a political motive, but I suspect it is more personal for Sean: These are the people who make up his audience, so as each one dies, he loses advertising revenue.

I expect that as they grasp the economic and political consequences of their base dying instead of it being the Coastal Elites, the right will change their tune and we will be seeing Pendejo tout how it is patriotic to wear a mask.

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These people just spin Limbaugh and Fox all day long. They don't have an original thought.

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as the left would say, “I care about you."

OTOH, saying to other people "I really don't care, do you" is so mature and polite.

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And they hate cinnamon

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They really don't. I just took a peek at the bar's social media and they're really jazzed about being featured on Infowars.

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Mask use will open the economy sooner as has been demonstrated in other places where people use common decency to advance the common good. I hope those businesses that ban mask wearing go out of business.

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