Their marinated skirt steak and seasoned St Louis style ribs are unbelievable.

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“Lobbyists “? Funny how male legislators seem to spend so much time with female “lobbyists”, especially those readily involved in “extramarital bonezoneing”. My all time favorite is still former California Republican/family values assemblyman Mike Duvall, the guy who bragged on on an open legislative hearing microphone the deposit he’d personally made in an energy company “lobbyist” while Mom and family were back at home. No campaign funds involved. Even better, he’d just come from a prayer breakfast.

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All the upvotes in the universe for the sentences of Weinstein and Hunter and Stone.

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Winter's coming.

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That actually looks more like Alec Baldwin impersonating Trump.

“The agony and the irony, they’re killing me!!” (Flagpole Sitta)

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I have read that people who are addicted to vaping are at increased risk for a potentially lethal viral pneumonia if they catch covid-19. I hope someone sneezes in his face. Repeatedly. With votes.

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Are these lobbyists or hookers? And it's not just Duncan Hunter, but several members of Congress in the recent past. When do they get a chance to discuss legislation?

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Thank you! I never could stand him.

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Gorgeous man isn't he?

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"Selling the drama."

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Maybe there’s a limit on how much cash you can pull out of the atm from the Campaign Credit Card?

I mean, it’s not like he’s going to pay for that himself - that’s why he ran for Congress in the first place.

I kind of wonder if the little wifey didn’t botch the books on purpose - did she get any charges filed? Seems like kind of a tidy little ending for a woman that did the accounting for his side gigs, if she wasn’t overly happy about it all.

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Wow, except for all of the repeat business, that’s actually even better than our ex-senator David “Family Values” Vitter getting busted by being in a madame’s little black book.

They’re pretty much all the same.

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Vitamin-D(ouchebro) enriched.

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Can he keep 32423 as his prisoner number?

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My local supermarket in Middlesex County has the fire marshal there and wait times to get in are up to a half hour. It's crazy.

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