I thinks iffin chambermaid Judy had not gotten rich by now specially since all the good economic good times afore Obammy took over and crashed the world chances are she aint gonna do it now.Its hard to turn chambermaid tricks at 62 lessin your real good and some Dick likes you a plenty and knows you bible like well enough to call you your first name.Might be that Dick should not be like a Dick and give ole Judy a little extree friendlee like money for the chambermaid bidness she does for him.Cleanin jizz aint what it used to be and theys never paid as well in bumphuct Illenoise as them maids what worked for the DC madame maid was paid.On the other hand maybe she blowed all her hard earned money on the dope or something so gettin her adicked ted to Obammycare should be easy nough done

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Oh, Teddy boy, you might want to consider that given Judy has done manual labor her whole life, she very likely didn't go to college. Given that, she quite likely entered the workforce fulltime somewhere around the age of 18. Which would be 1969-ish.

So, Nixon didn't create superjobs for Judy. Nor did Reagan. Or Bush. Either of them. Why do you hate St. Ronnie so much?

Also, Dick, buddy, when someone serves up a softball like Cruz's "I hate Obamacare but want to replace it with everything that's in Obamacare and nothing else" spiel, swing for the fences, dude, don't just watch it into the catcher's mitt.

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I hope Ted doesn't like to order room service.

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The wing is not much help after the plane sinks. Which it will.

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Oh, so here we see Cruz's true gripe. <em>His</em> healthcare plan will be taxed as "Cadillac".

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You can always make the credit card bills go away by dying. I'm not sure about the studen loans, though.

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Well, to be fair, having a limited choice of doctors means the gubmint is interfering with your health care . . . while having no doctors at all means you're completely free from gubmint interference.

Don't laugh: this is how the teatards actually think.

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Hmm, wasn't Ted's ole dad a manual laborsmith just as Judy is? Gosh, but he did all the right things, apparently, like having Ted for a son, and not having Diabetes.

Come on, People, make better choices.

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I am still trying to understand why any woman would want to have sex with/marry that smarmy grok.

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i am one of those bamz-care outreach people who can, you know, enroll people to get health care. it's a little fierce out here and crazy and no one is ready.

but judy is giving me life. i SINCERELY hope one of my IL colleagues is going to get Judy enrolled like 8 am october 1st when the marketplace first

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Her employer pays $40 k for her family's insurance plan ?! HOly Shit! I didn't know insurance companies overcharge rich people too !

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Yup, and the premiums will total a mere 180% of her gross annual income. (Using a lowball estimate.)

But she will have to meet her deductible before the policy pays a nickel toward any of her claims. So add that amount, which will be the equivalent of 40% of her gross income, onto the cost of her premiums. So now we're up to 220% of her GAI.

But wait, there's more! She will also have to fork over a copayment each time that she receives a service. So add another amount, equivalent to 15% of her GAI, onto the bill.

Also, too, the prescription medications that she needs to get will have their own fee schedule, deductible and set of mandatory copayment fees. Depending upon how many different meds she takes, those charges will really add up fast. So tack another amount equivalent to 65% of her GAI onto the total.

So there you have it. Fox is correct that under the current system, motel maid Judy could theoretically obtain health insurance on the individual market, if she was able to budget 300% of her gross annual income each year in order to pay for it.

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Absolutely! Judy would be better off getting no treatment at all for her diabetes than she would be if her plan only permitted her to use docs in the practice located 2 miles east of her and would not cover her if she saw the docs in the practice located 2 miles west of her, because tyranny.

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In the immortal words of Patrick Henry, "Give me bankruptcy, or give me death from easily managed medical conditions whose treatments I cannot afford."

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Fakakta, you have top dollar privatized Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance?

Need a new husband? Adopted son?

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Having a limited choice of doctors is far worse than no doctor at all. -Ted Cruz

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