The first time I saw his pic I thought someone photoshopped his head to be too big for his body. imagine my surprise to find out it had not. His poor momma! I hope he was a cesarean birth.

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Tulips good, fourlips better!

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Are alt-right assholes just in love with the term "Pyrrhic victory" or what?

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Grebe LIBELZ!!!1!!!

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Also bear in mind that Trump had an unusual, and - I dearly hope - never to be repeated - advantage in the US election: his opponent was running on what seemed crazily close to a 'pro-war' ticket. In the last 2 weeks leading into the election, Clinton's advisers made more than a few utterly terrifying comments ("It's time to really return to the middle-east and say "we're back" - aka 'HOLY SHIT WHAAAATTT!!!!)

There's no real mystery to the Trump win, and it's been massively over-analysed. All you need to do is win back the people who voted Obama, Obama, Trump - i.e. the pattern of the swing states that lost the election for Clinton.

That's been overlooked, because Americans aren't ready to think through the implications that there was a decisive voting bloc who voted for Obama twice, then very reluctantly voted for Trump. It doesn't fit the narrative of Trump riding a sudden rave of fascist insanity. But there's a hypothesis for those voters that seems to fit - i.e. for 3 straight elections, they voted for the candidate who was less hawkish, and who they thought was less likely to lead to war.

There's no benefit in raving about Russia to that voting bloc - it merely cements their choice. They nervously voted for a guy they hate, because the other candidate seemed to be the more pro-war option, and any talk of ties to Russia just makes them go 'phew, we got it right. He's going to do a lot of damage, but at least we've dodged a war with Russia'.

You don't need to win back the whole Trump supporter base. Just the ones who voted Obama for 2 elections in a row. I.e. the ones who's primary electoral motivation is to vote for whoever is least likely to go to war. Ranting about how you've got to stick it to the Russkies doesn't help that, it hurts it. Run a candidate with solid anti-war credentials next time round - yes, maybe someone who does have diplomatic history with Russia, for that matter, it actually makes us non-Americans less nervous given that you don't exactly have a reputation for understanding the world outside your borders.

Do that, and you'll win back the Obama-Obama-Trump states and voters, which is more than enough to get you very safely over the line for the Presidency.

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Stuffed with pudding.

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Are the Russians cloning these fucking yellow-haired trolls or what?

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I wish Wilders face would freeze that way.

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Damn, some people are really ugly inside *and* out, aren't they?

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I'm surprised these twerps don't give credit where it is due to the Chinese for inventing gunpowder, given how firearms are literally the only thing they care about.

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If these people are so insufferable, then why do we suffer them?

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I guess no one told him in English, fetching starts with an R.

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A memoir by Trump's Presidential hair stylist would net enough money for him to thumb his nose at Trump's NDA.

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They really are - they just don't understand the term sufficiently to comprehend that in this instance, THEY are Pyrrhus and America is going to wind up looking like the gutted ruins of his army.

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