Ta, Robyn. I'm glad she's out.

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The opioid crisis has claimed disproportionately white lives. Every one has a family haunted by that toll. We can hope (or pray, depending on our valences) that any Drug Death Squads dreamed of by Trump will get throttled before they germinate by this grim constituency, which includes many of his voters.

Don't forget that, Donald. Alcohol claimed your brother. Addiction is an illness, not a crime.

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Hahahaha, you say that like Donald has *ever* shown any concern for harm done to his family due to his actions.

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Trump has long regarded his brother as weak for not being able to control his drinking.

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Duerte is quite clearly one of those assholes who throws drastic accusations at everyone who dares to criticize him. In his case, it's "drug dealer."

In other cases, it's "groomer" or "pedophile."

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Duarte was an extreme case, but the US supports any "War" on drugs, as long as the "collateral damages" stay out of the nice white suburban neighborhoods. There is plenty of criticism from north of the border here in Mexico over the present government stopped just doing what the US wanted in the way of violent solutions they are unwilling to use at home.

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In the 20 years of being occupied by the US military Afghanistan became a super-producer of opium. The place is smaller than Texas. Two million troops and the world's best military equipment and they couldn't stop the drug industry?

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I wonder if Duterte had his own personal stash of drugs he enjoyed. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit, and the hypocrisy would tick the final box on his welcome sheet to hell. Many former dictators and corrupt leaders have been users and addicts, of course. There is no reason they would be immune to the temptation, and they often enjoy access and impunity, making the risk higher. Some people wonder if Trump is on something. I doubt it. His maniacal brand of cruelty runs deep into his bones.

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"Duterte claimed that human rights are a “Western” concept from which the Philippines are exempt, and that therefore it is totally fine for them to kill all of the criminals."

ah! exceptionalism. why does this sound so familiar?

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we don't have a pot to piss in when it comes to detaining people indefinitely without seeing a judge and PAB, if reelected, has promised the exact same stuff Duterte did.

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I suppose it’s my prejudice about Philippines politics but I’d assume that the purpose of Duterte’s war on drugs is to enable one of his relatives to control the market.

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this wouldn't be the first time something like that happened somewhere in the world.

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"One of the first things he did as president was to give a speech encouraging citizens to just get on out there and start killing drug dealers and addicts, offering a bounty for their bodies."

Huh. Sounds familiar. Though Trump would never pay out for bounties. He might throw some Bounties, but that's about it.

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"Though Trump would never pay out for bounties."

He'll have plenty of money for bounties after suspending Social Security, Medicare and TANF payments, but surely there'd a better use for those funds, you know, like stealing every last penny of it for himself.

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And I forgot the question!

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The Filipinos are wonderful people. It's a terrible shame their politicians are continually shite.

There's a good chance someone named Marcos is going to hold national office again someday.

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Already on it: "Duterte is out of office now, and current President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. (yes, the son of the shoe lady) has met with Vice President Kamala Harris and is reportedly trying to normalize relations with the US."

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Duterte's War on Drugs was rather like the Salem Witch Trials.

It was mainly used to legally settle old scores by killing people who were neither witches nor drug dealers.

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Chump, whatever else he is, is not the Light.

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When you realize the light at the end of the tunnel is actually the oncoming train.

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Beware: that shining beacon on the hill is a dumpster fire

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Brian J. Karem:

NOW: Trump is taking the death of his older sister with all the empathy he can muster.


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He probably forgot who she was long ago.

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Apparently the Deposed Despot intends to split up the confinement of his critics and political opponents in prisons and mental hospitals.

That's more thought and planning than he ever put into ANY US policy while he was defiling the Oval Office with his foul presence.

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I read this as a threat (in the same way that Putin uses 'mental institutions' to deal with his opposition)

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The man's butchering of grammar continues; "...because of their suffering from horrible diseases".

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Hes speaking to the poorly educated. He's loves them so much.

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"English, motherfucker, DO YOU SPEAK IT?"

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Pass. It's too early in the week for me to care about anything this inflamed puckered anus has to say about anything, especially if it involves an emotion other than impotent rage.

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tbh, I think everything he says is a result of impotent rage

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

So he plans on calling his internment camps "Mental Institutions". Good to know.

eta It fits him saying "I'm not crazy; you're crazy!" Also, "I just wanted a Pepsi" (or Coke in his case)

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OT, but hey check out this totally normal headline from Fox yesterday:

"Poland sees massive nationalist march honoring 'God, family and Fatherland' after globalist election results"

globalist elections are the worst, apparently

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Oh, c'mon, there aren't any (((globalists))) left in Poland.

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“Globalist election results,” eh?

Nothing very anti-Semitic/paranoid/conspiracy-ish about that!

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Germany has entered the chat: "Hey, that Fatherland thing belongs to us!"

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So, reading between the lines, the Polish people might be rethinking their flirting with fascism?

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Kinda thinking you need to be a right bastard to win elections anymore.

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But, you know, now there's zero drugs and zero drug addiction in the Philippines now, right?

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