Hey ... can we administer the Iowa Test to the GOP candidates? For once, we cold actually learn something about them!

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Thank you Lizzie...this is the comment that brings me home.

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I've decided that anything that makes Herman Cain the winner deserves our full support.

Can you imagine the exploding heads among the racist-bagger crowd, if both major candidates are black guys? An independent white candidate would be inevitable, and I think I know who's going to lose a shitload of votes to that campaign.

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from your mouth to god's ear.

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I could start a sister band called Sympathetic Homo...except I'm not gay and I lack sympathy.

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"couldn't they at least pick one with an actual city and non-white people?"

Ummm... you do realize this is the GOP primary we're talking about?

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Oh if only it were so, if only...

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I hope Barry's getting some good lulz out of this.

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Sorry, but "knife-fight" really is the working analogy here. It's got everything but the Leonard Bernstein soundtrack.

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Scientitsts told us we could never know what happened in the moments before the Big Bang -- looks like they were wrong.

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Not as annoying as "FRIST!" which was the cliché knee-slapper a few years ago when unfunny people thought they were really being hilarious.

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Let the process play itself out. After a few more election cycles, the primaries will become so far advanced that some states will be committed to candidates who showed early promise but then faded, (such as Trump and Bachmann this year). It could also be possible that some candidates will not announce until after the first primaries. Once the system falls apart, something more sensible will have to be arranged.

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