Move along, Pyotr... nobody's buying your bullshit. https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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Nor is it likely. I think those who would leave,have

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Only in Chicago

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Gee. I hope they have their "Mission Accomplished" banner already. It can take time to get things done nowadays what with that pesky lethal virus going around.

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Actions speak louder than words.

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Whereas in many states it's the live who can't vote if they're poor and/or minority.

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trump is in a high risk zone himself, yet he doesn't seem to realize that. Is this just peak entitlement from people who believe they are so wonderful that no virus would dare attack them?

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Well, Easter in some year or another. Just not 2020.

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Easter is sweeps week. Got to get the ratings up.

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Did the good Doctor from Fox offer him a tongue bath?

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Ascended Madoka forgive me, but if there were some sneaky underhanded way to disenfranchise Trump voters, and only Trump voters...

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There is no way in hell I'm listening to that. Just reading about it makes me nauseous.

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Thank you, Evan, for t14tt. Just reading it triggered echoes of his voice in my imagination.

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Shouldn't that say "Mission Acchomlished"?

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"Trump whined that lots of people die of the regular flu and in car accidents, but "we don't turn the country off" for those things, so WHY CORONA? Heck, Trump said, we don't even tell them to stop making cars, just because people die in car accidents!" Yeah you tell 'em assmouth. This is America dammit, we don't turn the country off for those pesky mass shootings either and those numbers are bigly too. Why we don't even try to tighten up the guns laws because why would we ever want to do the right thing.

*edited for typo

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