I find no fault with your statements.

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I thought people didn't like candidates who are 'over prepared', or is there something different about Joe? Something Hillary and Elizabeth didn't share?

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OHJ is staring to sound like a Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat or some such. DO I sense a shift from "NEW and Revolutionary" to tried and true Democratic values pandering? Oddly in shifting to the centre, he's getting more Lefty. ;-) Nice speech. Actually done with paragraphs whole sentences that were coherent too, also. Nice change.

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lol what is the price for a travel package to the planet you live on because holy shit they've gotta have some good drugs and I want to visit.

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It's America where the best sayings are truncated.

Deal, bro.

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Big, Beautiful Biden

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I still want Demmings. I think she's the home run that will absolutely help in the suburbs more than any of the other potential candidates.

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And it wouldn't be a Joe Biden speech without at least one weird, folksy colloquialism. In calling for $300 billion in government investments in research and development, Biden said China is "spending multiple billions of dollars trying to own the technology of the future, while we sit with our thumb in our ear." (I checked; he didn't say "rear.")This reminds me of a passage in a book I read when I was young:"[rough and ready worker-type guy] said, 'Lady, I can open a hole in there for you no bigger than a mouse's...' He cut himself short, then continued, '...ear hole.'"I was at a tender age and didn't know from assholes at the time, so it was quite a while before I happened to think back on that part and went, "Oh.... *that's* what they were saying."

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Plagiarism is when melon stole Michelle Obama’s Speech!

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... I think he is using a dot matrix printer to send me letters!!

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This is my favourite thing about Biden. Sees a good idea (Warren/Inslee's stuff) and uses it, even though it wasn't HIS... He's good at adaptation.

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It shows he cares. And is frugal with ribbons.

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So support him. He is doing a great public service. Don't borrow trouble, it will get here on its own.

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Genghis Kahn went outside the yurt to fart

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Also, if she did leave the Senate, her replacement would be a Republican.

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